Suggestion Q8 set for dwarfs

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Slabutul9, Jul 11, 2018.

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  1. Kraken8

    Kraken8 Padavan

    what? xDD
    Seems you never played 3v3 with rangers in the opponent team right ? They just run arround and see the dots in the minimap , and just spam EAs , since it hits more area than the arrow itself , you get killed or dmg without even be hitted by a single EA , so what avoiding s...things are you saying ? I already avoiding them and i get dmg cause it explodes next to me , so next time before you reply think about what you writing .

    Who said about q7 set? xD and if a ranger need q7 buff to kill you , believe me his stats are too bad for pvp lol
    As far as i can say you still dont get what are we talking about xD
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
    babu_o_babu and Slabutul9 like this.
  2. Hetsunien

    Hetsunien Padavan

    700?? What did you smoke? Seriously, when EA was not in the game everyone complaint about precision shot the same way they're doing right now, and PS do not explodes. People is just never happy.
  3. Shansurri

    Shansurri Active Author

    I had a dk jump on my mecha last week in pvp and kill her. From a JUMP.

    PVP is still broken, and it is still an issue not with individual classes, but with the algorithm DSO uses to match up players for fights. You can't blame a top player for annihilating lower players, because it is DSO deciding to put those players together for a one sided fight.

    Every time I see a post about how this or that class needs 'fixed', it sounds an awful lot like someone venting because they thought they were really tough, and got their buns handed to them by a better player in pvp. Shrugs~
  4. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    Looks like a bunch of flat earth apologists group...
    EA is bugged, not OP, bugged, so your feedback about it being too strong because "oh mama, ai die cus it exploode big", can be misleading.

    Patchnotes said EA should explode also when hitting an object, wich doesn't mean it will explode in mid air for nothing.

    As for "double armor break", what are you even saying?! At max getting hit by another EA when you are marked can extend the duration of the armor break, but not double it. WTH

    what? It is 375% unmarked, with talents -> 125% direct hit + 250% explosion
    And 500% marked, with talents -> 250% + 250%
  5. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    atleast you understand taht people want the bug removed thats what ppl want not ea nerf..
    Second do you even know how making works ? even you yourself said 375 unmarked...... x2 = 750 ye excuse me even more not just 700
    the mark doubles the dmg of everything . the hit and the explosions thats why 10k rangers deal the dmg of 20k tanks and mages
  6. Slabutul9

    Slabutul9 Someday Author

    Man... before complaining about other class skill, pls take some infos before. The dmg of explosion is the same.. marked or not. The impact(direct hit or how you wanna call it) makes 125% unmarked and 250% marked. So 125%+250% =375% unmarked and 250% +250%=500% marked.
    Shiro likes this.
  7. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    Maybe you, but other users didn't make it clear already
  8. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    My stats are well above average, I don't like this PvP and if I was interested in PvP I wouldn't play this game (I will probably play PvP when they will remove PvE gear in there).
    The starting point is probably you don't understand a basic rule DEVS already stated clear and loud: no changements in PvE equipment related to PvP because... PvP will have it's own balancement (wich probably will include the removal of PvE equipment from PvP).
    Do you think Q8 set is OP in PvE, bring on the table your arguments and we can discuss, do you think it's OP in PvP? You have to deal with it as I already stated in this topic.
    No dwarf asked for it, every dwarf with a brain already expected turrets would have become BETTER than how they were but ppl that NEVER PLAYED a dwarf asked for this; untill there will be the PvP balance, things will sux and I'm thinking it is a good lesson for the ones that pretend to know how other classes should work without having ever played them.
    Watch out what you ask because it could come true.
    You are the one that said that "dwarfs are 3 times faster than DKs" in boss fights (while, based on the video you posted wasn't true... but whatever). I told you that the problem was Oil Slick, DEVS did what I supposed and not what you asked, so far, the best chances you got to see any changments are that, statistically speaking, dwarfs will have higher LB points/sec rates than other classes (which I highly doubt) because that's what gives the measure on how OP is a class in PvE and that's the only thing DEVS will listen/care.
    I cannot spam anything, steam doesn't regen as fasts as... anything (SMs are the ones with the lowest resurce regen) and Steam conductors give 2% with the firts tick and 1% for the other ticks (so 1%/sec, exactly half of what DKs get).
    On the other side, DK regen FULL rage with every hit they take, they can use that skill 2-3 times per full rage pool and they regen exactly twice than SMs, they can even regen more HP than what they lost and they also have higher HP pool because of the base values on their equipment/gems (so the regen is even more effective) and yes, DKs can SPAM it to refresh faster the first tick (which SMs would like to do as well if it wasn't they cannot regen steam as fast as DKs do).

    Even if it was a 3,7aspd/sec (which I hardly belive can be reached in PvP even with 1h) it takes more than 0.5" to fire twice (if you knew some basic math @ 4ASPD/sec you fire 4 times in a sec and the cap is @ 3.7ASPD/sec) and to land 1-2 turrets you need at least 1.5" (1" cooldown on turrets if MG turret doesn't reset it) and in all this time you got hit twice, you never cared to get out of SM turrets, you never cared to, at least, approach running in circle, lemme guess, the basic strategy here should be to directly run like a raging bull against the dwarf and you pretend it works?
    Whatever, as said, PvP will have his own balancement, PvE gear won't be touched because of PvP.
    On a side note, why ppl is speaking here about EA and why no mod came to clean the mess?
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
    OrochimaruSama and lovatic66 like this.
  9. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Im not complaining about any class .. just pointing out the bug in the game.......

    @Saved_81 if you make 4 atacks in 1 second , you make 1 atack every 0.25 seconds so you make two atacks for 0.5 seconds. corect me if im wrong
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
  10. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I am quoting this part because you edited your post and removed your reply on my post before i had a chance to reply.
    EA doesn't AB more than once. What double AB?
    No class can double AB with a single skill ... AB can double only if two classes stack together their AB. Thy complement each other.
    No matter how fast you shoot.
    By the same logic SW should have double AB with Singularity ... since the skill is permanently active for several seconds. But they don't have double AB.
    Because it is Fire Ball not Explosive Ball.
    Explosive Arrow need to hit (whether it be an opponent or a wall/obstacle) to explode.
    I don't care if they remove the explosion on end of the range ... i am using PSs ... the problem EA must explode if hit a wall or ground or any obstacle ... period. All classes can hit through walls and obstacles ... only the ranger can't. In that case i will be aiming the obstacles or walls near you ... while you are spamming infinitely your Fireballs and run.

    But you don't mind the MC bug here SWs can have upper hand over all classes right?
    The general rule is "he who last uses the stun/antistun is having advantage" ... in this case SWs are always starting first and always having the last word. Oh and yes it is a bug confirmed by a dev team long time ago ... but they are not doing anything about it for years.
  11. Slabutul9

    Slabutul9 Someday Author

    PvP without Pve gear wont ever happen bcs is just some BS that will ruin the game. Your stats are above the average?...can i see them ?:) you dont have much pvp experiece i see but you talk a lot about it. ''do you think q8 set is op in pve?'' boy, i was talking about pvp :), pve is pretty balanced except mages that should get q7 set reworked imo. ''Never played on dwarf before'' sure? i bet the dwarf i am playing on sometimes is by far better than your, but let;s say BS that we have no idea about right?:)) About the PVE video i made sometimes ago... it wasnt true? the dwarf from the video was arround x2 faster than me at every boss with pretty much lower stats bcs of the 612% dmg on HS thanks to the oil skill...which got fixed finally.

    DK skill heal 2% for 5 sec... so 10% in total, you can spamm it, the heal stats the same, wont increase if you break the button or just press it one time. so getting full rage after one hit and your argument about it it's pointless. As dwarf you have 2% life each time you press the skill, and then 1% for 5 sec... so 7% in total by pressing the skill once. But that;s not all, every 30 sec you have a 5% heal for 3 sec.. heal that work for all group members or alone... so from that you get 15% in total too.

    Pve gear wont be toched bcs of pvp? Isnt like reducing the dmg of blue turrets will affect pvp, they are mostly used to keep the q7 buff active while the dmg is made by HS in pve :) Making the blue turrets always hit 3x and reducing their dmg from 100% to 40% wont really affect pve, but will finally balance PVP. Also sry but what 0,80 speed do you have that it takes you eyar to shot 2x quick shots? with 2,33 speed you shout like 3x/sec :) So can an op dwarf like you make a video and show me how many years it takes to do 2 quick shots?
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
  12. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    I think I played with him sometimes, he has very good dwarf... No point starting useless discussion on stats btw
  13. Kraken8

    Kraken8 Padavan

    Yes i edited that part cause i checked again and saw that now it dont make double armor break. Sometime ago i checked it in pvp and i got double armor break by EAs , it was a bug ?? it was something that was working in the beginning and removed ? no idea but it existed, anyway i have no video to prove it so....either you believe me either not.
  14. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    I don't mind if the 5p. talent of MC is fixed or not. I'm using it in three situations only anyways: copying guardian as a response to other mage's guardian (this would still work), copying teleport when fighting a DK to wait out his dragon hide (won't need it anymore if PvP is balanced), copying meteors on bosses to deal a little bit additional burn dmg (especially to icy or lightning mobs, can live without that).
    No buddy, Q7 set of SW is the only one that is balanced PvE-wise (PvP-wise it's only a problem because of the OHKO) since it's not too OP - you can use other builds and be just as good. Q7 set has to be nerfed for the three other classes. Just face it, there is no other way. Dwarfs almost don't exist in PvE without the Q7 set, DKs have hard time without it if they want to play 2h and rangers... well, there are some good 1h rangers out there, but they can't really approach the strength of a Q7 set build.
    Once again: Q7 set has to be nerfed for DK, ranger and dwarf. Not empowered for mages.
    If Traki reads your post (and probably he will), he would tell you that you are suffering to the fake-memory syndrome. PS.: EA doesn't take down armor if it doesn't deliver the direct hit, and even if it does you have to be marked before... and if you take a marked direct hit from EA, well, gl surviving that if you aren't a tank.
  15. Slabutul9

    Slabutul9 Someday Author

    So you basically wanna ''balance'' 3 classes in pve which are pretty equal, instead of just balancing the set for one class?
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
  16. Kraken8

    Kraken8 Padavan

    Lol man , if you never played in pvp just dont comment here xD
    I dont write things that popped out from my head
  17. lovatic66

    lovatic66 Junior Expert

    Another nerf the dwarf, and in pvp, haha, if it is for pvp, the explosive of the hunter, the infinite pirabolas of the magician we should also include them.:D

    I don't know if you go to 1h or 2H, but the good war are the ones that run like horses and kill you in one blow, you don't even get to hit them, the warriors with low speed of movement are easy targets maybe there is your weak point that you eat all the attacks of the dwarf and that's why you are asking them to take something away from us because you can't kill them, the other races could not even activate the q8 buff because the turrets die right there. :)
  18. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    I would't bet on it. My guess is there will be another mod without PvE gear and the current one will stay the "un-official" mod which devs won't care to balance because it will stay the mod ppl will use to have fun (more or less like the arenas in town and/or open PvP).
    Definatly I'va passed the 15 years old stage and I don't care about this EDIT complex. Anyway you can check some of my equipment around the forum, most of all because there's no point to show my sheet DPS to someone that doesn't understand how useless it is (and probably doesn't even know the meaning of sheet DPS). Just to give an example you are the one that was comparing the top dmg of DK against the top dmg of a SM not even considering the different sets they were using.
    Again you think sheet DPS means everything while, instead, it means little to nothing in real environment and you said this:
    I said this
    and you also confirmed it right now
    You also said this
    and now you say this
    You seem wise enough to notice your mistakes but you never admit em.

    Let's go on and say you should thank me because, about oil slick, what I wrote, was this:
    and look how they changed the skill. Do you wanna see when I posted this? You posted more than 1 month later but obviusly things were changed because you asked for it, brainless SMs like me weren't able to understand that skill needed to be changed.

    You don't know how ASPD works or what? 2.33 means you will fire exactly 2,33 times in a second, the only reason you fire 3 times is because the first shot is @ time 0, the second is @ 428.6ms, third hit is @ 857.2ms. When you have another skill casted BEFORE the first hit (which is what happens because you need to cast the turrets BEFORE you start firing), you won't start @ time 0. Test it with your GF's SM and try to cast 2 Mech turrets and 2 hits in less than 0.5".
    Teorically speaking yes but the ASPD cap is @ 3.7asdp (so teorically is impossible to have 4attacks/sec) and the first hit starts @ time 0 (see above) so the first second you will fire 1 more hit than the consecutive ones.

    It refreshes the first tick exactly like for dwarfs... Any dwarfs can heal for 10-12% in 2" just spamming that button, problem is dwarfs will take 40" to refill 100 steam, DK will refill it with 1 single hit taken... and they can spam it.
    1 heal every 30"... seems very strong... I will definatly sacrifice it if they remove regen for DK as well, deal?

    Anyway, quoting what you said
    Case closed.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 19, 2018
  19. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    The 3 classes have pretty much no other way than using that set. It's easier to nerf one set for three classes than buff any other possibilities and all the possibilities for the third class, right?
    If you took a direct EA hit when your armor was broken already (and you have somehow survived the first 500% dmg when you can't survive 250%) you would die instantly... no matter if you lose the 10% armor you still have or not.
    Also, armor breaks of the same class could never stack. Period.
  20. Slabutul9

    Slabutul9 Someday Author

    I said dwarfs were 3x faster than DK's (and other classes too) and it were true, and you took as a prove the fact that the dwarf in my vid needed 10 sec to kill that boss and i needed 19. But you can use that as a fair comparation when i my stats were much highers than hers? ..dont think so. Now i said the other 3 classes (except mages which are lower) are equal in pve... so it doesnt match with what i said before? Well...dwarfs were not nerfed since then i guess? Ofc they are not that fast anymore since the oil give 10% dmg (calculated by the total dmg of the skill) instead of 100% which made HS dealing 612% dmg.

    ''Test it with your GF's SM and try to cast 2 Mech turrets and 2 hits in less than 0.5'' The time i said was after placing the turrets. Anyway in 1v1/3v3 you can easily place the turrets before the opponents get close to you, and shot 2x when they got closer, so you can keep the 3x bullets on the blue towers almost all the time. My idea about the set was to make the towers shot 3x all the time and reduce the dmg to 40%, cause atm if i play 3v3 for example and my team doesnt have dwarf and the others have... it's a 100% lost fight, getting stunned 1/2 times where the turrets are and its over.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 19, 2018
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