Bug Cursed amphora on Abandoned seweer passage

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by Minister_Averax, Oct 7, 2019.

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  1. Minister_Averax

    Minister_Averax Advanced

    Hello to everybody!
    The damned amphora that I opened near the entrance door of the boss mhorblik (abandoned sewer passage) gave me bronze plumber's dogtag, but finding myself in the toxic fumes event, it was correct they were silver!

    it's annoying, being in a context and finding progress for another bar ... among other things lost because I was playing the map in a mode in which I had already completed the bar ...:mad:

    is it a bug?
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2019
  2. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Hello @Minister_Averax ,
    we cannot answer whether it is a bug or not, but we will forward the matter on to dev team.
    That is best we can do. If bug, we hope it would be fixed with the next event iteration.

    Minister_Averax likes this.
  3. Minister_Averax

    Minister_Averax Advanced

    ok! the amphora is found so few times that it is disappointing not to find the adequate advance! thank you so much!
  4. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    Minister_Averax likes this.
  5. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    You should have said it gave stacks of 10000 andermant. :) That way, 100%, the devs would fix it.
  6. Minister_Averax

    Minister_Averax Advanced

    jackoneill1976 and Marsicanus like this.