Boss Senbu (quest access to between worlds)

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by karkhara, Apr 5, 2023.

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  1. karkhara

    karkhara Forum Greenhorn

    The difficulty of this mission is absurd, only the infernal option and only solo, many give up the game and I'm thinking of giving up, what's the point of an absurd quest of difficult and still solo?
  2. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

  3. ldso

    ldso Advanced

    While it may seem intimidating at first, it can certainly be overcome :) Just make sure your character is well-equipped to fight monsters at that lvl, such as trying to wear items that are higher than your item level, using higher-tier essences, buffs, etc. You can also take a more defensive approach so that you can survive better, such as relying more on your defensive skills, dodging, using potions/buffs, etc. As long as you survive and push through one successful run of it, you will likely be good to go. ^^
  4. MightyMag

    MightyMag Forum Greenhorn

    First time at Sanbu quest at lvl 50. Got 1 75 lv item. Higher lvl and better items i went back to try again. Now I am at that stage at killig Sanbu; but first; still need to kill alot of strong guys first!! I had no idea :/ they pull alot of energy and essences out of the pocket. Revival costs andermant as a none member and soon i found my self 2 hours later totaly exhausted and 'broke'..- it sort of takes the fun out of the game indeed. I gave up for today trying Sanbu. I got pretty far, but it was not worth it to continue.
    Knowing what is ahead..guys.. you have done it and are full geared up..still that is so unfair what ever approach - hp or essence and gear- still broke and out of everything i farmed for during questing btw..did Sargon and that was no fun either. Sry to say. I love the game, but the 'costs' are too much. Kind regards MightyMag. Spellweaver
  5. Sklish

    Sklish Forum Greenhorn

    Level 85 toon. Level 125 avg item level. Good gems and runes. Large health potions. Large essences. Large sacksful of resurrection stones. Still can't do it. Maybe "nearly impossible" wouldn't be so bad if people's games weren't basically cut in half by not doing it. I just got here and just started the premium, but I didn't decide to pay $10/month for half a game. Never getting money from me again.
  6. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    or maybe you don't use the right skill.
    The main difficulty is to remove his shield, then with the armor breakers it becomes simple.
    If I remember correctly you have to revive yourself on the spot otherwise he recovers all his health
    Warriors may have some more difficulty but the ranged classes have no problem

    It's always best to do this as soon as you hit level 50.