Combining Gems! I played 2 years ago it all changed

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by ]Vigilante[, Jan 29, 2020.

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  1. ]Vigilante[

    ]Vigilante[ Forum Greenhorn

    I've searched the internet. all I get is videos in other languages and it looks nothing like what we play today. The odd part is on my level 20 I go and add gems hit combine and Boom no issues. On my level 49. No matter what I do it says recipe not found. I have over 75 gems of the same kind but cannot combine.
  2. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    You must do the quests "from disaster to master". In kingshill search for NPC Petyax, he will give you the first quest.
  3. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Everybody had to back up and do a new 9 part quest to get back the gem crafting ability.
  4. cntgetright

    cntgetright Forum Apprentice

    I have not played this game in a couple years and decided to give it another go. When I logged in I noticed a difference in the workstations. I tried to combine some gems to free up inventory space and noticed I needed a crafting primer obtained from the quest useless rubbish 3/3. Problem is that I have already completed that quest before I quit playing and the primer is no where to be found. So how am I going to be able to combine gems?
  5. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    After completing the "Useless Rubbish" 3/3, then you need to find the crafting master in Kingshill. Not sure off top of my head where he moved to (it's not Matthew Allthings). Little short dude. In old Kingshill he was over near the Harbor.
  6. ]Vigilante[

    ]Vigilante[ Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you EDIT

    --- MERGED --- Got the quest Same issue trying to craft 1st item in quest. [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] I obviously can't even post a link to a picture either. All Red Letters no recipe found
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 30, 2020
  7. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    You must go in a particular workbench section, "quest items" or something similar... There you can do the craft also without recipe and finish the quest (if I remember well :D)
  8. ]Vigilante[

    ]Vigilante[ Forum Greenhorn

    I did go under quests it was not in the options. I've been able to do Quest crafting. But this 1 of 9 is not going. So all my gems are kind of a waste
  9. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Jimminny rediculous.

    Use 4 green items of the same TYPE. 4 rings. 4 boots. 4 gloves. Get it?
  10. ]Vigilante[

    ]Vigilante[ Forum Greenhorn

    LOL I've played this game for many years. I tried 4 random greens as in the screen shot. then I tried 4 green pauldrons. then I tried 4 rings of the same level all green. Same Red text in the pic above
  11. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    Some recipes must be purchased from the NPC... And the quests have also level restrictions.
    This is the patch note related:
  12. cntgetright

    cntgetright Forum Apprentice

    I have talked to Petyax looking for the "disaster to master" quest and nothing shows up, as well as matthew allthings looking for useless rubbish and again nothing shows up. yet I can not craft splintered or simple gems.

    ---- MERGED ------

    so the problem is I cannot craft gems and I can not do the quests to craft the gems. I have not played this game in roughly 3 years and decided to log back in and give it another shot but support isn't helping much.

    ---- MERGED ------

    also, this is only true for 2 out of 4 of my characters. my ranger and warrior can craft slintered and simple gems but my mage and steam can not.

    --- MERGED ---

    I havnt played in 2-3 years. I logged back in and realize I cant craft gems anymore. I do research. I don't have the quest useless rubbish or from disaster to master from patya in kingshill. they are not in my quest log either. so how can I start crafting gems again since I cant do the quests in order to start crafting gems again ( getting the crafting primer). Please help someone. my character I am having this issue with is a lvl 48 mage. Also I do have the quest " cover your back " as my only crafting quest at the moment not sure if that helps
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 1, 2020
  13. ]Vigilante[

    ]Vigilante[ Forum Greenhorn

    So Now we get 3 different answers! This is a joke Crafting a breeze The game is easy to learn until that change some of us missed. I have purchased every Crafting book whatever. No way to even use them or any guidance which is why we ended up here on the forums. I have every book recipe for improved on up. How the hell do you use them? This should not be so difficult. I have other quests hanging that I have completed yet it won't let me advance. The game is obviously still buggy. Crafting should be a breeze
  14. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    there may be a database conflict with new craft method quests at the workbench for returning old players . you can try to do the quest "cover your back "or level up 50 and go back to kingshill to see if the quest appears
  15. cntgetright

    cntgetright Forum Apprentice

    thanks I just hit 49 last night and was planning on grinding to 50 to do exactly that. also the "cover your back" is a long one unfortunately. im on 3/6 and I have to collect 1000 yarn.

    --- MERGED ---

    just his lvl 50 and still no quests from petyax
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 1, 2020
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    ... and you failed to learn one important rule :D ...
    Always have all your quests finished.
    Quests are getting triggered in few ways:
    1. triggered when collecting item of special interest
    2. triggered by getting to specific level
    3. triggered by finishing specific quest/s
    4. triggered by finishing specific quest/s and getting to specific level in same time.

    All you need to do is finish all the main quests from Grimford to Hagastove Grotto and you will get the Useless Rubbish quest from Mathew Allthings.
    That should take something like 2 minutes. :)
    gbit likes this.
  17. cntgetright

    cntgetright Forum Apprentice

    found one in swederfield pastures. going to follow it out. I think this might be it. thanks for the help.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020
    trakilaki likes this.
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Could you make screenshots from the Compendium - Act I - Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 like this?
  19. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    then explain this to me ...[​IMG]
  20. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Ah ... there is a explanation. The name of the quest "From Disaster to Master" is written in runes ... let me translate it back to English :)
    It is much better now :)


    I have played every single quest in this game at least 150 times.
    Since R227 'till today I have finished the quest Useless Rubbish on at least 10 new low level toons ;)
    I have even tested different aspects like in example what would happen if a player who took the quest some time ago cancel the quest.
    It won't appear again unless you finish the other quests first (including the new quests) ;)
    It appears in same time with "King of the Mountain" quest
    EmilyRose likes this.