Feedback Community Letter Release 213/14

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Sunlight, Oct 29, 2018.

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  1. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    Selling price for Lesser Rune of Wisdom Seeker is 20 silver…..
  2. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Heathen, thou shalt not speak such foul language

    Thou shalt not ask for something that makes farming faster for the players, that is a deadly sin and heresy, since bp decided that players have to be slowed down from farming
    That's why they put those time wasting introduction to bosses or those pointless animations to mining and gathering herbs
    Please_enter_a_name likes this.
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    That chests is available more than 2 years this article was created on July 2016
    Once you open it ... it will always show the next +5 level
    I play a Spellveawer :)
    That is why some people's "feedback" can't be taken into consideration.
    There are no builds in PvP anymore ... what cube what mube set all items are the same . you can play with Durian items or you can play with PW items or you can play with regular improved to leg items ... they are all the same in PvP.

    With this new gearless PvP Spellweavers are at the bottom ... no they are below the bottom of the food-chain. Their slightly higher base damage won't work against the block. He who regen HP wins.

    Yes it is a problem and it should be fixed ... in fact it should have been already fixed.
    BUT ... this new gearless PvP is also broken ... but the most important thing is it doesn't shift from the already established meta on live servers. Shield an nothing else will only work. That alone is the single imbalance in the game ... no player should be forced to play with one weapon-shield-any item. I remember the glorious days when every single build was working ... shields, quivers, 2Hs ... and the game was fine and pretty much well balanced ... with enchantments, runes, gems available.

    We wanted long battles ... but not that long battles where every single match in 1v1 and 3v3 will always lead to exhaustion time.
    It is all wrong.
    for a very simple reason ... that is the reward for staying loyal to the game.
    That is a Grand Theft of the Century ... stealing Sapphires, stealing Runes, stealing everything that the current dev team doesn't like.
  4. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    I checked the wiki, i confused for the dusty chest, sorry for the mistake

    Well, the adventurer's chest isn't available to old players like me it seems

    Will fame point farming get any easier?Why did they remove the costumes and the mounts from the pvp shop?What will happen to those who discarded the costumes thinking that they were useless?They should put them back or give them back to those who discarded them for free

    It also seems that the devs are trying to make the game a totalitarian hellhole
  5. JamesFDelaney

    JamesFDelaney Forum Apprentice

    Thats ok, but playing with power - decreasing/increasing will never fix the problems in arena until the skills/abilities become more balanced and BP gives zero EDIT care to this. They just mask the problems and bring new ones this time in both pve and pvp, the whole release is so weird.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 11, 2018
  6. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Guess i wont play pvp anymore , not that i care. I cant even f test because some very smart ppl stay on the TS for 24hr + what the hell ppl ...... i stayed untill 4 AM and i COULDNT GET IN
  7. stacker99

    stacker99 Forum Master

    Really? As I remember right, you play on Grimmag with a hero named Karakurvonpickof which is Ranger.
    And ... no, not all Items are the same. You may choose to play with 1H or 2H, you may choose to play with green, but uniques got better base stats. Same for shiled from cube set. Yes, there is no set bonus, there is not enchants, but cube shield is better than any other shield and the same for cube pistol where attack range is moved to base stats. You pretend to know everything for this game but sometimes you have to play with all the chars to see +/-.
    [Content Removed]
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 11, 2018
  8. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    They should either remove healing from PvP altogether, or simply give healing to SW, which I suggested long ago, but encountered a bunch of crybabies. They kept downvoting my suggestion (with multi-accs maybe... or there are so many noobs here), yet it still stayed on majority-yes (65%). On the other hand, a group effect wouldn't be helpful now (well, it would be in PvE), as it wouldn't work in PvP.

    Still, this is an issue that must be adressed before the update comes live.
  9. piteris2

    piteris2 Regular

    Actually, I think most of the skills are pretty balanced as they are. The biggest problems in PvP are item stats/levels and set bonuses.

    Actually, I recently discovered a glitch for getting into the TS every time. Unfortunately, the mods deleted it after I posted it. The usual EDIT about it being against the game rules. It’s not my fault the client is full of bugs that they can’t be asked to fix. Do you have Discord? I can message you there about TS :cool:

    How do you think he wrote virtually the whole wiki if he hasn’t played with every class?

    Also, yes theoretically you can play with whatever you want. Heck, you could even play with no equipment at all if that is what you wanted. The problem is that the devs are forcing us to all play with 1H + defensive because that is the new meta with this release.

    You see, this is what pisses me off about the whole self-healing thing. I do agree that it is quite OP in the arena, but DKs have healing for a reason. As I am sure you know, they are the class with the smallest range and least damage, so they need something to counteract that. Furthermore, every MMORPG game traditionally has a class that can tank loads of damage and, at certain times, regen its HP. So it makes sense for DKs to have some sort of healing. I have no idea why dwarves have such large HP regen compared to RAs and SWs. And yes, the devs should probably do something about DK’s crazy healing with the new release, it’s too powerful as it is on TS.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 11, 2018
  10. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Really? Those base character states change nothing... and they have the same damage from gems and base values as any other class, while having more hp.
    They have a lot to compensate for that, no need for healing. Great ways to chase down the opponent (Jump, Charge, FBC), stuns (Charge, Jump, Ground Breaker), buff skills (FBC, DH, BoW, Outburst), higher HP from gems and base values, not even saying that they're not really that melee: Ground Breaker (exploding throwing axe), Charge and Jump are straight-off ranged attacks (even if you're making the projectile out of yourself in two cases), Outburst 5p. talent is insta burn (has a chance for, but quite a high one) AoE, BWS and MWS have quite a good AoE (enough to hit someone easily after approaching), FotD is AoE dmg they can leave somewhere and flee (useful for 6v6 and hindering enemies' attack or escape), they can do the same with BoW too if they want/need, they have bleeding and slowing effects, as well as a damage debuff that is another additional protection from incoming hits... quite a lot, isn't it? And it's all just the compensation for shorter range, not all of their advantages. Why would they need extra healing? To be fair to everyone, we could just cut down healing from PvP... or, what I prefer, SW could get some actually usable healing (if the devs have no other idea, it could be a speciall buffing skill unlocked at lvl50 with talents at 51, 53 and 54), and of course Ranger should get something as well (since the wild pack is nonexistant with the 90% reduced hp).
  11. Ritter

    Ritter Forum Greenhorn

    I'm a bit old player, don't remember pvp of 40 lvl but after them know more. I think pvp on TS and now, are in another way balanced but are.
    In present on 55 lvl pvp is nice balanced on 1h setup, it's all. Ofc classes on 1h have small different on another types fights 1vs1 3vs3 etc, but have similar power. On 2h only mages and dwarfs are really good, haves more chance to play in good level with 1h opponents.
    Now, we must have many OP things to be "OP" : stones, gold values on uniques base, 4x gold crafts, glyphs, runes, ofc skill too; and title but it now give nothing.
    We can have more of these thing but without good crafts we will still be noobs. Only I think, crafts is that reasons which really destroyed balanced? If you're lucky y can be good, some newbies and old players too don't have too much lucky to crafts another 4x gold lines to pvp setup. They must spend 100% free time to farm and farm gold, to try will do 4x gold lines. Why system makes random people OP ?

    I understand old player now too, they spent a lot of hours to be in that is place which they are. If pvp will be that same how is now ofc, that won't be great but omg "they only start change them, it's not final effect, we can change new pvp too, make better".
    Only i think, or these pvp on TS look like old on 45 lvl, that was amazing, i know not 100% balanced too, but better.
    Stones, glyphs and runes must be that different between newbies and old player.
    Random base values might be good, can stay. we will have reasons to farm better values and it's not that hard to do like craft. Or static values to tier. Our rank will be important, try upgrade or come back to old glory tree.
    And last important thing, upgrade most of uniques items and they must be usable. It should make more pvp setups, not how is now, a lot of players have similar to themselves.
    After R 2h may be OP vs 1h, but without high statistics it will be more balanced. We need repair a lot of skills!!! And still dwarfs need nerf.
    Edit: Dragan laser now is too OP.
  12. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    He has an end game ranger and he has an end game mage on TS, he plays both
    He has made that clear countless times
    if you think that forcing everyone to adopt the same combo is balance, i guess we have different definitions for balance

    Now 1h+ shield is the dominant combo in pvp, but that's not balance, that's the devs dictatorship on the players, forcing them to adopt the same combo in order to be able to play

    Ask yourself why you don't see a dwarf with a tool, a ranger with a quiver and a mage with a book
    That's because you are completely outclassed if you dare to use that combo or if you dare to use 2h

    That's because now in pvp you can reach maximum defense and maximum offence at the same time
    You can reach 400% crit dmg, 80% crit, 80% res and armor and 80% block, all at the same time
    Is it balanced such a thing?No, it's op as hell, because it makes using two hand and 1h+ offensive off hand useless and redundant

    And a similar issue exists in pve, where 2hand is the supreme combination, capable of reaching high attack speed, maximum crit and maximum crit dmg, that's also not balanced
    stasis likes this.
  13. Ritter

    Ritter Forum Greenhorn

    Where i sayed about forcing everyone to adopt the same combo is balance? I wanna more builds on 1h and 2h and better balance between both.
    On 50 lvl ranger was that one class which "must have got 1h + offensive off hand, or 1h + shield" after it in game, 1h + offensive off hand don't have sense in 99% cases. Devs wanted do only 2h for pve and 1h for pvp, i have many crafts 4x gold and 3 gold with last high values, i could do pvp on 1h but i was doing on 2h ( 2h is really broken on ranger & warriors) but when i upgraded my skills, i was better than many players 1h, but it's terrible hard to do. On 2h only mages and dwarfs have easy to kill opponents, (little spam or longer range).
    Yeah, road to full stats (80%) is not good, we have still to high dmg vs def, now we can hit 50k+ on 50 lvl some k on crit, values dmg to defensive are broken (one hit/two hits)
  14. Sevilla

    Sevilla Someday Author

    time based achievements on paralel world still don't works?
  15. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    they are legacy achievements, they aren't obtainable anymore
    This is not bug, this is intended
    Oh, we won't get any balance, they are simply deleting existing problems and pretending they are balancing things, ignoring the fact that they are introducing even bigger problems, thus rendering their idea of balancing useless
    They are making the pvp status quo preferable to the changes

    They should be made aware of trakilaki balance proposal, after all, they are claiming that the pvp balance situation is evolving and subject to change, so they should be open to feedback from the community
  16. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    They are at least taking into consideration all the feedback... Think the gem look that was so quickly changed after it was endorsed by community, think all the times they did backtrack in the past...

    Moreover, they talked about pvp gear in the "PvP Statement", and since Traki probably already made them aware of his suggestion, there is a great chance they're already discussing adding it with the money ripping marketing team. :p

    Also, I'm pointing out again the two major things that have to be changed before the release goes live (aside of bugs and finishing up the lairs):
    1. Essence crafting
    2. Lack of healing abilities at SW
    And as of regular feedback, the Anacampseros herb is way too rare.
  17. nikatar

    nikatar Junior Expert

    I read it and I am actually really happy with the changes that you are going to make. I also reccomend to create an infernal 1-3 to the bosses out of parallel world such as Gorga. I can't come with a reason why not to be able to have the Kalis mantle for example to tier6 straight away and we can have spider's one. Also in my opinion some drops are extremely difficult to find such us Herald bow
    from the parallel world. I get it that it is 1 of the best 2hand weapons in the game but at infernal 2 or 3 it should be a bit more easier to drop cause it is not easy to kill some bosses at this level and if u actually manage to do it u should get a serious reward at the 50th time at least you done it. Last, it is not faire the drop from the overlook boxes and I am talking about the pets cause with 100 overlook u might get a pet with a boost of 5% hp and on the other hand,from the 25 one, u might get again a different pet but with the same boost!

    P.S. I am sure all would love a new event!!! :)

    Ty a lot,
    Drakensag fun!!


    You are are right bro!! Thats the point especially for those who are at the PVP server! I am there, I am playing this game 3 years now and at this moment I can only play pve or 1vs1!! 3vs3, 5vs5 or 6vs6 does not exist!


    If you are not a herald set user then what gloves u have?


    It is a start

    I agree! Guys lets check it first and then kill them :p
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 12, 2018
  18. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Really ?? i mean you can buy it with fragments .... or you can use teleports to farm it.. takes no more than few days to get if you actually try to get it.....
  19. Sprokkel

    Sprokkel Active Author

    Hello all,
    Firstly, I found a more appropriate name for DSO in view of the announced changes, namely KOCO (KeepOnChangingOnline).;)
    To indicate at the same time that I usually can not appreciate the changes in DSO, especially when it results when your char goes down.
    The reason why Jesters would disappear does not really make sense. Each player can earn gold ingame and can, depending on whether he or she has gold, play for free at the jesters.
    A better suggestion might be to remove gambling with andermants, then the chances for everyone are the same.
    Arena is also about to tell so much about but that is right from the beginning, so that says enough. Do not want to talk about this, I'd rather play a game and not just type again about what's wrong.
    Little self-reflection also helps.
    So by example, players do not first give the possibility of a nice flame on their weapon and pretty soon thereafter this is changed into meaningless smoke because suddenly it looks totally unattractive, why does the team change something that is good?
    Regards ...,
  20. piteris2

    piteris2 Regular

    You seem to forget that in the last few patches, SWs damage was buffed numerous times in many skills. It’s absurd that a non-tanking, high damage class should have healing. I haven’t seen a single MMORPG with such a playable class. I am not saying that I agree with the way the devs have implemented healing for DKs in the game, but to me it seems both reasonable and logical for a high HP, melee class to have HP regen. Remember, the reason DKs have self-healing in the first place is because they are supposed to take loads of damage while chasing down the enemy. Although I do agree with you that DSO’s tank class isn’t that melee, at least not in the game’s current state. I think the devs should significantly increase the range of the ranged classes in order to differentiate the ranged from the non-ranged classes. All classes inevitably have have some sort of compromise; for DKs it is range and damage, while for SWs it is HP.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2018
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