Compensation regarding error code: 36

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by dkarl, May 15, 2023.

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  1. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    There's been an announcement regarding the server errors many of have been experiencing the last week or so.

    Among other things, @Melethainiel indicated, "There will be a compensation happening for each player. Additionally, most likely the event will be extended by the days that were lost since the release."

    I am assuming you were referring to the Return of Dragan event.

    How about the Full Moon event? I gave myself 6 hours today to run the event, but ran into our error code: 36 situation time and again until around midnight Germany timezone. I got to about 14,500 progress when the clock ran out, wasting a good chunk of resources and drops especially at the end while racing to the make the last few runs.

    Is it possible to reactivate the event for a day, including reinstating our progress stats (in my case, near completion) so that we can finish that event? Or at least give me back the couple thousand Shining Silver Essence, ~10 thousand Silver Essence, and ~12 Vials of Werewolf Blood I wasted? Alternatively, I'll take the Rune of Enhancement which would have been mine if there was even one fewer of the half hours breaks in action I was forced to endure earlier today while trying to get past the server errors.