EN Community Forum Event - Save Winter Solstice!

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Sunlight, Dec 15, 2016.

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  1. Pumpkin7

    Pumpkin7 Junior Expert

    Name: Pumpkina
    Server: Heredur
    Green Presents: 180

    Correct and eigible
    Morinphen and Beldak like this.
  2. juleeee335

    juleeee335 Forum Greenhorn


    Green Presents : 74

    Name: Julee335
    Server: Heredur
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  3. Slyman

    Slyman Forum Greenhorn

    Server: Heredur
    Name: Landias
    Presents: 180
  4. Depress1998

    Depress1998 Forum Greenhorn

    Name: Депрес
    Server: Werian
    Present: 239
  5. JesseLee

    JesseLee Forum Greenhorn

    74 green presents.
    Character name: Sаdi
    Character: Mage
    Server: Grimmag
    ID: 102636065
  6. napoli-sniper

    napoli-sniper Forum Apprentice

    74 green presents ...because you write the question with a green light so you mean green light only
    name of charachter : Napoli46
    server: werian

    [image removed]
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 21, 2016
  7. finnagin97

    finnagin97 Forum Greenhorn

    Charcater Name; Valkaryie
    Server; heredur

    Green Presents; 180
    Morinphen likes this.
  8. Masterose

    Masterose Forum Greenhorn

    Name: Masterose
    Server: Grimmag
    Presents: 180

    Morinphen likes this.
  9. bolgro

    bolgro Forum Greenhorn

    Name: Kheitloker
    Server: Agathon
    Presents: 180
  10. Pallock

    Pallock Forum Greenhorn

    180 green presents
    server Agathon
    name Pallock
  11. Pezdoll

    Pezdoll Forum Greenhorn

    74 Green presents
    Character - Fierhaven
    Server - Tegan
  12. bryan1234_1212

    bryan1234_1212 Forum Greenhorn

    Name: Bryan1234
    Server: Tegan
    Presents: 180
  13. pokerrs

    pokerrs Forum Greenhorn

    Char Name: Nigra
    Server Name: Tegan
    Green Presents: 180
  14. pestilo295

    pestilo295 Forum Greenhorn

    Name: P3st1l0o
    Server: Tegan
    Presents: 180
  15. The competition has closed. If you guessed 180 but don't have "correct and eligible" at the bottom of your post, then you did not meet the criteria as outlined in the opening post of this thread. We will select the winners for each category and post the results as soon as possible
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