Announcement Events coming in August - Updated !!

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by teddy.bear, Jul 22, 2016.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Dear heroes of Dracania,

    A brand new month is on the horizon and this means… more events for you! Mark these in your calendar!​

    As always, if there are some changes regarding these dates or we add a new event for the month, we’ll update this thread and let you know!


    Servers: Heredur, Werian, Grimmag & Balor
    Start: 5th August 12:00 noon CEST (UTC +2)
    End: 7th August 12:00 noon CEST (UTC +2)

    Server: Agathon
    Start: 5th August 06:00 PM CEST (UTC +2)
    End: 7th August 06:00 PM CEST (UTC +2)

    Server: Tegan
    Start: 5th August 09:00 PM CEST (UTC +2)
    End: 7th August 09:00 PM CEST (UTC +2)
    Welcome to the Dracanian Anniversary Festival! Everyone in Kingshill is getting quite hyped for this special moment of the year… but not everything is shining in the city! Some mysterious evil forces want to reintroduce the infamous Crystals of Truth into Dracania and spread chaos across the lands!!

    What kind of sorcery is this, people ask. No one really knows but one thing is sure: NPC Phestos is helping against this evil plan. Bring all the Crystals of Truth you can find to him in Kingshill and get some rewards in exchange!
    You can read it all HERE, in our official guide.

    Please be reassured that Crystals of Truth are certainly NOT COMING BACK into the game! :D

    We have also prepared a lot of raffles, give-aways and special events across our forums and social media (Facebook mainly) so stay tuned for those! [​IMG]

    Servers: Heredur, Werian, Grimmag & Balor

    Start: 10th August 05:00 pm CEST (UTC +2)
    End: 21st August 05:00 pm CEST (UTC +2)

    Server: Agathon
    Start: 10th August 11:00 PM CEST (UTC +2)
    End: 21st August 11:00 PM CEST (UTC +2)

    Server: Tegan
    Start: 11th August 02:00 AM CEST (UTC +2)
    End: 22nd August 02:00 AM CEST (UTC +2)

    Servers: Heredur, Werian, Grimmag & Balor
    Start: 26th August 12:00 noon CEST (UTC +2)
    End: 28th August 12:00 noon CEST (UTC +2)

    Server: Agathon
    Start: 26th August 06:00 PM CEST (UTC +2)
    End: 28th August 06:00 PM CEST (UTC +2)

    Server: Tegan
    Start: 26th August 09:00 PM CEST (UTC +2)
    End: 28th August 09:00 PM CEST (UTC +2)
    Go forth and have fun in our events, heroes of Dracania!
    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
    ScristineL likes this.
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