Event FAQ FAQ: Przerażające Cienie - Nowa Era - Oficjalny Przewodnik

Discussion in 'Sekcja Polska' started by VenusIT, Feb 19, 2021.

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  1. VenusIT

    VenusIT Commander of the Forum

    Terrifying Shadows – A New Era

    ~Event Guide~


    Quick Overview

    Required level:19-100
    Duration:19th of February 12:00 CEST –
    25th of February 23:59 CEST

    Event summary:
    Bigger, Meaner and dead: Sargon is back! The Terrible returned and it needs heroes to stop his subordinates and foil his plans.

    The Terrible is BACK!
    Collect Coffee Beans from worthy opponents everywhere in Dracania
    Enter Stillwater Bay at night and collect Shadow Portal Fragments by destroying the Shadow Portals in the map to obtain Shadow Portals, leading you to Sargon’s Shadowfort
    Collect Light Essences to step against Sargon and some of his minions.

  2. VenusIT

    VenusIT Commander of the Forum

    Stillwater Bay at night:
    Beach party? At night? Sounds like a lot of fun…or not!
    This is the first event map, it requires 10 Coffee Beans to enter.Coffee Beans can drop from worthy monsters.
    Monsters in Stillwater Bay at night can also drop Shadows, the event progress, Light Essences, as well as Shadow Portal Fragments.
    These are needed to complete the repeatable quest “Sneak through the Portal 1/1” provided by Jon Sunlair. This quest is granting you with a Shadow Portal that will lead you to Sargon’s Shadowfort.


    Sargon’s Shadowfort:
    Some heroes already had the honor of meeting the King of the Shadows in his prime; the others meet him for the first time. Whatever the conditions, Sargon will treat everyone equally cruel. Don’t worry!
    This is the main event map, leading to Sargon’s Throne Room. Monsters in this map can drop Shadows, the event progress, as well as general monster loot.


    Look for the three Shadow Altars in the map. Interact with all of them and defeat Sargon’s Gatekeepers.
    Face the Soul Collector Sentinel (requires Light Essences to fight against it, same as the other Soul Collector monsters), that stays between you and the path to the King of Shadows!
    Defeating him will unlock the door on top of the map, leading to Sargon’s Throne Room, where the real challenge awaits you!


    Map objects (Amphorae, Lockpick Chests, Shadow Altars, Map Sentinel and Sargon’s Throne Room entry)


    Sargon’s Throne Room:
    What makes a good villain? Good persistence! Even in death, Sargon never gives up on his dream of subjugating Dracania!
    This is the Boss map of the event, where Sargon the Terrible is waiting for you. The Boss can drop Shadows, the new Shadow Reign Set Items and even the new Sargon Costume, to look as terrifying as Sargon himself! The Boss requires Light Essences to fight against him and his evil minions.

    To fight against Sargon’s new reincarnation, you need to finish the Chapter 1 – A Dark Heritage and complete the quest “The First Ones” and “Shadow Master”! Otherwise, you will arrive in another instance than for example your group members that completed the quests.

    Shadows dropped per run on each difficulty:
    Amount of Shadows10318929150181013602235
  3. VenusIT

    VenusIT Commander of the Forum

    Shadow Reign Set Bonuses



    *the Set bonuses are for Level 100 Set Gear

    Progress Bars



    The Mark of Mortis is one of the most significant event rewards.
    It is used for entering Mortis' Exile, the Boss room of Mortis, God of Death, which is accessible if you finished the "The Last Trial 1/2" quest in Elysium.
    Altogether you can obtain 32 Marks of Mortis from the progress bars, but with the Event Attire active, you can obtain additional 5 Marks as a drop from Sargon.
  4. VenusIT

    VenusIT Commander of the Forum

    Shop Offers


    Event Attire

    [​IMG][​IMG]Bonus while active:

    • Increased Coffee Bean drop chance
    • 20% increased Shadow drop stack size (minimum +1)
    • Shadow Portals in Stillwater Bay at night have a chance to drop an additional Shadow Portal Fragment
    • Enemies in Sargon’s Shadowfort can drop Light Essences
    • Sargon has a chance to drop a Mark of Mortis (limited to 5 times per event)

    Duration: 7 days
  5. VenusIT

    VenusIT Commander of the Forum

    Jeśli wolicie wersję w PDF znajdziecie ją w załączniku.

    Attached Files:

  6. BA_Bastet

    BA_Bastet Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    FAQ - Wasze pytania

    1. Mam 100 poziom doświadczenia, ale mam dostępne tylko 3 paski postępu eventu. Dlaczego?

    Odpowiedź: Do odblokowania wszystkich 6 pasków niezbędne jest ukończenie zadania "Powrót okropieństw"
    2. Jestem w Kingshill i nie mam żadnej misji eventowej od Jona Sunlaira, dlaczego?

    Odpowiedź: Prawdopodobnie nie posiadasz właściwego poziomu. Misja "Pora na kawę" pojawi się dopiero na 55 poziomie.
    3. Jak w takim razie robić event, jeżeli nie mam 55 poziomu?

    Odpowiedź: Event jest docelowo przewidziany dla graczy o poziomie 55 i powyżej. Na niższych poziomach nadal jest możliwe zbieranie ziarenek kawy oraz wejście na Zatokę Cichej Wody nocą, gdzie można zacząć kolekcjonować części portalu.
    4. Chcę z przyjaciółmi wejść na mapę i pokonać wspólnie Sargona, ale ciągle nas rozdziela!

    Odpowiedź: Zgodnie z w/w przewodnikiem aby wszyscy członkowie grupy znaleźli się na tej samej mapie muszą mieć ukończone misje "Pierwotni" oraz "Mistrz Cienia".
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2023
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