
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by bloodyneo, Nov 3, 2015.

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  1. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    hi there.... i just want to add an idea maybe some players wants it so badly like me..
    removing the glyphs from an item without melting it ..just put it back to its original lvl stat .. with small fee :) of gold...please dont remove my thread because i said small fee:D
  2. Here is another idea... use the search function.

    This topic has been done to death. Additionally, it has been mentioned on Twitch as possibly coming and being seriously considered.

    Because there are no open threads on this topic at the moment, keep it open for now. Just keep it relevant. Who knows.... If one of you says something inspired, it might make it into the actual implementation.

    I stand corrected, there is an open thread... just took a little more in depth search. The discussion has changed a little though. In the past, it was said "Not going to happen," but now it is on the table and the CMs brought it up in Twitch as "Maybe this can happen."

    Please use the existing thread.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2015
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