
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Dragenstein, Apr 24, 2015.

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  1. spartawars

    spartawars Someday Author

    It would be nice that they prolong the event day or two for the bugs that appeared.. maybe some free codes too :)
  2. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Not sure about that. New Moon should start right after Dragan, and Greg mentioned something about a reworked Lost Truth event after that. Plus, last code they gave out was faulty, and will be corrected via a new code on the 30th this month...
  3. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    Can't wait for THAT guy to join the thread and tell us how we should stop complaining =)[/QUOTE]

    its not the first group bug,but they will fix it again,when they get to it.
    i just like this comment :):D:D
  4. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    Yeah, I know. It happened a month ago. Maybe they should write this off as an 'event' somewhere and spoof! Problem solved!
  5. XenaGirl90

    XenaGirl90 Advanced

    Yeh everything is definitely empty except in the player wndow within the sector, you can message them but that's it.
  6. XenaGirl90

    XenaGirl90 Advanced

    Personally i think they put too many events on all at once... there is like 2 on at the same time usually, i think they should keep it 1, at xmas time they also have the lunar event on too, now they got the easter event and the mini game one... i think keep it to 1 so they can control the bugs more.
  7. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    lol,new event,call it "hide n seek":rolleyes:
    ps,wonder what would happen when the whole group is pvp with the group bug lol
  8. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    Chill, I got 2 cloaks overall and played 4-5h a day at the least. :p
  9. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    I'd say the contrary... there's not many occasions in which, at least as far as I've seen, two events run at once. Now, with long events, particularly the Winter Solstice event, intertwining with Moon events, it's another story. Moon events are scheduled around the phases of the Moon (hence the names), and it sometimes happens to be during other events :p (I've noticed that they try not to overlap them, but the Christmas event has to take place in December, since it's related to the winter holidays). About the Dragan event and its challenges, it's technically not two separate ones, so there's that. Plus, I heard that they plan on adding more of such challenges for high-levels to do, since the regular event may not be enough for them to find said events worth playing again. And in any case, the number of events running doesn't really matter in what concerns bugs. There'll always be bugs... and there's a ton other things they need to worry about, other than how many events there are active at one time.
    tinyboom likes this.
  10. XenaGirl90

    XenaGirl90 Advanced

    Typical... always for higher levels lol it hate that... it's always the same for all online games i've played, i think at least if they have 1 event but not so close together they have more time to prepare otherwise they should get a bigger team or put it into 2 seperate teams if they want to have 2 going at once that work on each event then do testing on every aspect of the sound, graphics, coding etc... i'm pretty sure people would wait longer if there is guranteed there is no bugs that effect the game in such a big way, minor bugs... fine... nothing that effects the game.
  11. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Well, if you've been max-level for a while, did most/all possible quests and you get the same events... you'd expect some exclusive challenges. That's what they're trying to do. But yes, it'd be a thousand times better to wait a little more (provided they announce it beforehand), but then have the certainty of no errors whatsoever. However, that's most likely a dream way more naive that wanting every unique in the game.
  12. There is currently an issue with the social server. This affects groupings as well as friend/group/guild lists. The issue is known and (hopefully) will be resolved soon. We apologise for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, apart from reporting it and constantly bugging Big Point on behalf of the players, there is nothing else we can do here in the forum. We will let you know as soon as we hear anything.
    thedarkestlight likes this.
  13. XenaGirl90

    XenaGirl90 Advanced

    Will we get back the friends in our list? or is it gone forever?
  14. thedarkestlight

    thedarkestlight Advanced

    You will get back your friends list.
  15. Your friends list and guild are not gone from the database. Please don't quit your guild. It will be returned exactly as it was once connection with the social server is re-established. We have sent an emergency SMS to Big Point regarding this.
    thedarkestlight likes this.
  16. XenaGirl90

    XenaGirl90 Advanced

    Oh good :) phew... lol saves me hunting down people then :) thanks for letting us know
  17. crazyelli

    crazyelli Junior Expert

    Mine is the same in just started there
  18. marhun

    marhun Junior Expert

    Hi Guys
    I am not sure if this is the correct location to vent my concern, however the hotfix was not so hot, whenever i log in and most ppl as you can see by general chat, the chat is missing and you have been displaced from your friends list and your guild list unfortunately this needs to be fixed before the mini event how will we be able to find our team mates.

  19. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    Do you know if it's possible to get at least a 1 day extension to the event?
  20. @9ndrei Given that the next New Moon event is scheduled to start the day after this event finishes, I don't think Big Point will extend The Rage of Dragan. We can, and will, suggest it though.
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