Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by darkzin1, May 18, 2018.

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  1. darkzin1

    darkzin1 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello because every time I close and open the launcher does update the beginning of the game if I enter to play .. and then quit .. or shut down the computer to play after .. it all starts again the update, what should I do? help faster :(
  2. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello darkzin1, welcome to EN DSO Forums and really sorry to hear about your problems you are experiencing at present. Firstly, you may want to check if your system is set to free disc space and it deletes Temp files on shut down. Also, check this thread and try to follow instructions given in there:

    Technical FaQ

  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Are you playing on TS as well? Playing in client on TS will always create such actions when switching to live server and vice versa.
    If you are not playing on TS then you need to manage your OS and apps that are deleting your files in the Temp folder.
    piteris2 likes this.
  4. darkzin1

    darkzin1 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, good evening, but I was playing the game over 1 month, start now

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    hi What would TS be? hehehe XD

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    please pass me the recipient of temp folder, is there two correct?
    Last edited by moderator: May 19, 2018
  5. Anyki

    Anyki User

    Hello @darkzin1,

    Please follow the forum rules and do not make consecutive posts. :) You can hit the "Edit" button at the bottom of your post to add to it if you have more to say after you've already posted a reply.

    It sounds like your issue may be the erasure of the temp files. Unfortunately, there is no complete fix for this issue at this time. You may just have to redownload all the game files for now.

    Last but not least, TS = test server.

    Morinphen likes this.
  6. Testador

    Testador Junior Expert

    Here is the same situation, I turned off the cleaning of the Temp folder in Windows, I played in TestServer, I always played, I always back up the folders, I have a .Bat that renames the folders, even though the client insists on updating almost every day, this it did not happen to 3 or 4 previous updates.
    Morinphen likes this.
  7. darkzin1

    darkzin1 Forum Greenhorn

    Send me a contact, to talk because I already explained .. and I think they are not understanding,
    explain but detailed ,
    or better .. where is the folder of files downloaded from the game?
  8. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Check the folder where you installed the game. The temp. folder should be there.

    You can avoid the download time if you play in browser (only works with Internet Explorer at the moment, as otherwise the Java is not recognised and you don't get the PLAY NOW button, just the one for downloading the client). But even so, this problem might still force you to redo your personal settings (custom button configuration, game options, etc.).
  9. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello there : have you tried this method yet? Again: ' Win 10: go to Task Scheduler / Microsoft / Windows / DiskCleanup and disable it.' I hope that this will help. Cheers.
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