Announcement Hotifx #1 do Aktualizacji 257

Discussion in 'Sekcja Polska' started by BA_Orion, Sep 15, 2022.

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  1. BA_Orion

    BA_Orion Count Count

    Bohaterowie Dracanii!

    W dniu 16 września odbędzie się przerwa konserwacyjna, podczas której zostanie wgrany hotfix do aktualizacji 257. Zawierać będzie poprawki do nadchodzącego eventu Jubileuszu Dracanii.

    Harmonogram: 16.09.2022
    03:30 - Rozpoczęcie odliczania
    04:00 - Przestój serwerów
    ~05:00 - Planowane zakończenie prac

    Życzymy miłej zabawy
    Wasza Ekipa DSO
  2. TL_Tyche

    TL_Tyche Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    Heroes or Dracania,

    This version contains some final adjustments for the upcoming Dracanian Anniversary Festival as well as the return of the Larcenous Dark Dwarves!
    DSO is wishing a happy 11th anniversary to everyone!

    Enjoy the Festival!

    General changes
    • Anniversary weapon now displays the correct values on the possible rewards window.
    • The effect of the laser skill of Khalys no longer appears with a string name.
    • The trader NPC next to the Golden Pinata in Hiraya (which appears after completing the main quests in the region) has been moved a bit to the right so that players do not accidentally click on the pinata when turning a quest.
    • Localization issue with Zahir’s pinata achievement has been fixed.
    • Big Heap of Ice now spawns 2 Small Pile of Ice instead of 4 when it dies to reduce lags and optimize the play experience in Norseland’s arena.
    • Wendigo now spawns fewer underlings to reduce lags and optimize play experience in Dracanian’s Challenge arena.
    • The animation for Sharr Kharab’s orbs attack has been delayed and the trigger radius has been decreased.
    • The skull element on the Dracanian’s Challenge arena floor has been adjusted so that players do not accidentally stuck in it.
    • The bonus for Anniversary Event Attire has been changed (more info below).
    Dracanian Anniversary Festival – Larcenous Dark Dwarves

    The Dark Dwarves are back and want to spoil the fun by stealing Phestos’ Crystals of Truth, so you must stop their evil plans!
    • You will find them in seven dungeons (on difficulty Painful and higher):
      • Rootrock Cavern
      • Stonekeep
      • Hailstone Mountains
      • The Gleaming Mountains
      • Mount Suvius
      • Cradle of Death
      • Treasure Cave
    • The dark dwarves will be marked on the mini-map with a skull icon and red dots.
    • The progress will be scaling with the difficulty:
      • Painful: 20
      • Excruciating: 40
      • Fatal: 60
      • Infernal: 80
      • Merciless: 100
      • Bloodshed: 120
    • There is a chance, that the Dark Dwarves will drop Community Coins or Dragon Bones when using the Anniversary Event Attire.

    Treasure Hunt

    Feel like a real pirate and join the treasure hunt!

    • Search for the marks on the ground in the following dungeons:
      • Rootrock Cavern
      • Stonekeep
      • Hailstone Mountains
      • The Gleaming Mountains
      • Mount Suvius
      • Cradle of Death
      • Treasure Cave
      • Halls of Death
    • The marks for the treasure hunts will be unlocked with a Lost treasure map.
    • The Lost treasure map can drop only from the Dracanian Challenge arena's chest or from the bundle in the shop.
    • The Lost treasure map can only drop from the chest when the anniversary challenge event with the Dark Dwarves is active.
    Anniversary Ship

    Enter the majestic wooden ship and prove yourselves to be a worthy crew!

    • You will find the entrance to the new map in Grimford’s port.
    • On the new urban map, you will find six ready-to-smash Birthday Meanies.
    • Birthday Meanies can be opened with golden hammers, which can drop from all anniversary arenas' final chests or be bought from the bundle in the shop.
    • Birthday Meanies can drop up to 3 pirate gold.
    • There is also a jackpot, which may contains charged marks of bravery, fragments of infernal passage and a new alchemy circle. When the player hit the jackpot Meanie, the rest of the Birthday Meanies will disappear.


    • Issue with premium items and uniques from Lingering memory maps not dropping with pre-defined base value ranges has been fixed.
    • The issue with The Insidious Sovereign 5/6 has been fixed.
    • The legendary Golden Dragon Turtle texture has been fixed.
  3. BA_Bastet

    BA_Bastet Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Znane błędy.

    Termin hotfixu nie jest jeszcze znany!

    - Gracze nie otrzymują 3 godzinnego płaszcza z kodu bonusowego. Wraz z hotfixem kod zostanie naprawiony.
    - Na statku pojawiają się czasem obrażone gobliny, które nie chcą z nami się bawić. Behawiorysta pracuje nad ich zachowaniem.
    - Saga "Uwięzieni na statku" wkrótce dobiegnie końca - zostanie dodane wyjście z mapy.
    - Zakupione a niedostarczone pakiety dla bohaterów poniżej 100 poziomu są w drodze.
    - Niektóre elementy mapy (czaszka) blokują graczy - testy i próby odtworzenia trwają.

    Przepraszamy za niedogodności
    Wasza Ekipa DSO.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2022
    BA_Yahiko and TL_Tyche like this.
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