Looking for a guild on Heredur - ranger 41

Discussion in 'PvE Players Wanted' started by LiveForTheTrap, Apr 25, 2021.

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  1. LiveForTheTrap

    LiveForTheTrap Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, i´ve been playing Drakensang with monthly and even yearly breaks since 2013 or so. Every now and then i would check the forum about whats happening in the game. Recently i got the feeling that i would like to play again so i went for a fresh start. Thought about it a little bit and decided to go for a ranger.

    Besides slifmoor and mystras i was playing solo all the time, seemed to me like people around are enjoying solo play more (which i dont). I tried to find a guild ingame by writing into region chat multiple times but without any luck.

    At the moment i can play painful conveniently. Thinking about with what to play; focusing around Wolves, Hunting Trap, Spreadshot seems to me like the way to go (so far). Till now i have been playing daily, started just 3 days ago actually.

    I am looking for a guild of players who dont take it too seriously, who understand its a game and want to have fun/relax (but also wanna build a good character perhaps?). I have zero interest in pvp.

    So if i fit the profile to some guild´s requirements please dont hesitate to contact me, in here, or in game (i´ll be ingame today in about 2 hours). Thank you

    The nick is Abyssal, all regular letters
  2. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello and welcome back:) Have fun!

    LiveForTheTrap likes this.
  3. LiveForTheTrap

    LiveForTheTrap Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you Shine.

    So i have thought of a little update... 46 at the moment, mostly alternating between doing the current quest´s location and different dungeon on painful, because the quests dont provide enough exp for the next level up.

    Tried typing into region few times, without a response unfortunately. Met some players in Thunder Crest, their guilds were inactive however.

    Anyone reading this who would have a slot for me in their guild, feel free to contact me. Thx
  4. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello! Hello:) I'm really sorry that you have been unable to find people to help you with your progress. There is theis section of the Forum ,where Guilds/Clans announce their recruitment:)... perhaps you could have a look in here?

    kind regards;
  5. Kiwigal1244

    Kiwigal1244 Active Author

    --- MERGED ---
    What Server are you on?
    If in Tegan, You would know a few of us there.
    Many in our guild members are original players,
    Contact Jeffzrx or Kiwigal1 and we could talk about it :)

    Good Luck
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 27, 2021
  6. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    -coughs- Kiwi, the title says Heredur. :D :D
  7. LiveForTheTrap

    LiveForTheTrap Forum Greenhorn

    Yep, Heredur indeed. When i interact with forum, i usually click New posts, i must have missed your reply would have clarify it sooner :)

    So, 56 at the moment. I "made a deal" with a very nice mage i met in game, who will contact her guild´s leader in the evening and ask if i could join them, so we´ll see.
  8. Kiwigal1244

    Kiwigal1244 Active Author

    :oops: Ooops