Feedback Meganuker's answers to Question already answered...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MegaNuker, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    I will post the question and the answer as it appears somewhere else. This post is just a starter post going to answer one right now. just need to copy the two items.


    We've also unified the levels of all existing items, meaning that:The basic values or enchantments of your items can be better if they had different levels beforehand.In this process, items can only be upgraded (no value is lost here).

    Since this was answered in a November Twitch I sadly have no link for you but to say what they said.

    We removed some maps because people abusing them for items and since we have a new intro these maps are redundant. We reworked swedfield to follow our new intro into the game so the flow of the story line would be smoother.

    This is the gem you get on day 4 of your toon. When you reach level 45 it becomes useless. Now they would want it back.

    Here is the cut from the release R155 you missed.

    Enchantments on items which you've already owned won't change, except for potential level increases and changes of names (see blocking strength in Part II).

    This means you have to get another one with the same stats to get the new lower upgrade costs.

    The very first note is what you where looking for...
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2015
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