Moderators killing the forum due to the fact that criticisms about DSO appear, posts are deleted. Th

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Spagiari, Oct 31, 2023.

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  1. Spagiari

    Spagiari Active Author

    I wanted to know why the forum moderators delete your post when you criticize it? I just criticized the halowem event and where is my post? I didn't offend anyone or say bad words, I just criticized the game. That's why the forum is dead, the posts that people put up are always being deleted. This forum was good before, today it is dead like DSO
  2. tr3xtr3m

    tr3xtr3m Forum Apprentice

    i m old players 12 years play here i m never post before like now,and same mine post deleted last time and only Melethainiel deleted my post because she IGNORE TRUE problems in the game,Melethaniel better deleted your char forewer and go look another work we dont need 2 face moderator here!!!
  3. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    They have not deleted nor censored anything, they simply moved your critical comment to the thread dedicated to feedback on the events of the current month
  4. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    Thanks, @Javah

    @Spagiari , as Javah noted, your post has simply been moved to the thread where it belongs. When I moved it, I've left you a note, it should have appeared in your notifications. Please check those next time, before you throw a tantrum. :rolleyes:
    (Or avoid the situation altogether by posting in the correct thread in the first place).

    @tr3xtr3m , I'm not sure what you think moderator's job is, but I can tell you it's not fixing the problems of the game, if that's what you're implying. My job, though, is deleting posts that do not follow our rules so make sure to follow those before posting. That way your posts will not be deleted. However, if you think you would do a better job moderating, feel free to apply here as we are, indeed, looking for new moderators.

    I hope this clears everything up, I'll go ahead and close the thread since the question has been answered.

    Good luck!:)
    Javah likes this.
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