
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by trakilaki, Jun 28, 2018.

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  1. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    If you say this for sure.. even if you have different class, clearly you are the one who play with the class.. not as someone who actually have one, right? :)

    This post from 7th of May
    The topic which was about the Oil slick buff 4th of May here

    So back then it was okay, but now its not.
    And yes its only good against bosses, dont act like u can use it anywhere.
    In basic map farm every other class is faster..
    Im not asking to be 100% again but 10% is still very low..
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2018
  2. Kaydranzer

    Kaydranzer Someday Author

    You dont have to play a dwarf to know, how broken he was with this talent.
  3. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    Okay, i have nothing more to say about this :)
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2018
  4. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    Why start another discussion? :(
    Back then was ok because you had to be near the boss to make good use of Oil Slick, now you can put it where you like. As you can read in the old post part you quoted, I said "it's a good compromise (the fact that it was placed under character) for its 5pts talent"
    ...So, less risky skill, less buff.

    But, personally I find 10% buff to heavy shot useless, at least 30% would be ok, like they did with Royal Staff of Lightning.
  5. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    Maybe they made it look out of sync so it wont look like it was stolen from other games xD

    Indeed.Same old dwarfensang xD. Looks like this game stopped advancing and moving backwards now...the events became more boring and require even more grinding than before (this All in one event for instance...) for absolutely no rewards (those runes cant be considered rewards since they are useless EDIT xD)...

    Also all that this rebalance thing did was to break the game even more...the game became dwarfensang again.Will take months before they fix this and finally adress the pvp if not longer.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 30, 2018
    -Elizejs- likes this.
  6. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    I agree ,but it doesent matter if you can put the oil slick anywhere , still only usable in bossfights.
    Oil slick is a support skill.. while you place it under mobs ,at the same time you would be able to kill them without it..
    With 10% i wont use it ,rather take away the 5 pt from it..
    65% would be fine and im not even greedy.
  7. HellenicMacedonian

    HellenicMacedonian Active Author

    65% and you are not greedy?

    The talent will also be used by 10% because it will still be useful.

    You will now be able to use it for mini-bosses.

    This had to be done for the simple reason that it created the dwarfs the wrong impressions.

    Suddenly, dwarfs that fall like "flies", behaved as if they were the "giants" of the game.

    I think the group talent with Tesla is already very strong for the bosses.
  8. HellenicMacedonian

    HellenicMacedonian Active Author


    Final bosses are easier than before.

    It's good for you to talk like they are talking to you...

    ...Because, if I speak to you in your "language", you will not like it at all.

    Do not forget the Tesla.

    It's an excellent group talent.

    Make use of all your skills, and you will see that 10% is going to be very useful.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 1, 2018
  9. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    I was never offensive in this topic.
    Final bosses easy for everyone. except DK-s which i do agree they are a bit weaker than before in DMG output.

    The only one here who trying to be offensive is you, not me. I give back nothing more than feedback, and of course i will let u know, noone came here to make up a false behavior of a class.
    Im using 9 skills as dwarf , without Tesla like what do you mean?
    Tesla give u speed nothing else, (AND if you are with a DK its good combined with the banner)
    But not with the other 3 class..
    So stop assume that Tesla is good in any case.

    Im from 2,44 speed go upto 2,9. For me literally worthless.
    Only difference it make that i reach the 2,7 speed brakepoint.. so i shoot a little bit faster..
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 1, 2018
  10. HellenicMacedonian

    HellenicMacedonian Active Author

    Behavior of a class?

    Are you joking?

    When does a class as a whole have the same behavior?

    It is a matter of character rather than class.

    These are basics things do not need explanations.

    An example was... and of course a fact.

    Learn to discern some basic things before you begin to show us your "talent" ...αnd you indirectly tell us racists too!

    Behavior of a class?

    LOL man.

    I think tanks can tanking more easily now and I'm sure they will find their way.

    Do not underestimate the fact that you reaching the next breakpoint.

    ...More speed means more dps and I do not underestimate the dwarf Tesla in the final boss and I am neither a dwarf nor a tank.

    Feedback can be one post.

    But, as we have seen above, you are a bit greedy.

    65% is greedy.

    You may also be one of those who want to choose them for the group because of class and not for the "job" they have done with their character.

    Who knows!
  11. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    Seems u dont understand anything what i said.
    I wont copy this again for the 4th time.
    Im the one who telling to you not every dwarfs thinks they are giants / they were giants.
    You just assuming all the dwarfs act like that.
    But whatever..

    Not your business to decide it is right or not, u still not the one who actually play the class. And i tell you again i do agree 100% is a bit too much, but 10% is still very low..
    I rather take away the 5 pt from it and put it to the bombs which deals 9x dmg with 3 bomb at the beggining of a bossfight.

    I do not talked about tanking side of a DK.. its obvious..
    I was talking about DMG output.. after a few video i do have to agree now they are the weakest.

    The tesla group effect is not working in solo. Same as DK's banner..
    More attack speed can boost your DPS, but since dwarfs has the lowest attack animations it not boost as much to be usefull for me.. and even for my friend he do not ask for it after i showed him, when i can just put +1 mechanical turret with q8 buff..
    I rather use rocket pack for insta cooldown..
    Maybe i will see this different when i will be able to make 140 steam..

    But nevermind i wont post anything more ,seems a ranger knows more than i about mine.. Eventho i never ever talked about anything about rangers.
    You may also be one of those who see a video of a high end dwarf with a high end DK killing inf3 bosses arent u?
    And thinks after that learnt everything.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2018
  12. HellenicMacedonian

    HellenicMacedonian Active Author

    I just play with everyone.

    ... and just think with full wisdom of what everyone can do, especially in groups.

    Α high end dwarf does not fall like a "fly" and certainly has no inferiority complex to have the wrong impression of what it really is.

    But 100% or 65% also affects them and of course, that is the big picture, from the beginners to the end players.

    ...obviously this is something you ignore, or you just do not care to consider.

    Maybe the first time you did not understand it, but once I clarified that a class does not have the same behavior in the whole but is a character issue... You have no excuse to go on with it, and it certainly does not interest you to continue to represent the fool.

    What is this, part of a tactic... to pretend someone who does not understand!

    What do you want... to "paint" it for you to understand?
  13. Kaydranzer

    Kaydranzer Someday Author

    Why are you blaming dwarfs for acting like giants? :D
    They can afford that, because they can outdamage every other class by a large margin. But hey, as long as you dont play a dwarf, you cant share your opinion because its automatically wrong.:rolleyes:

    DK's are not that weak damagewise as you think. They might took a big hit with the banner nerf, but they are still as fast in clearing maps and killing bosses as rangers. Only the SW is behind everyone and no one seems to care.

    @callme0216 Dont be afraid, dwarfs will be very strong, maybe still the strongest. Only if your damage decreases to mage-levels, than you can start to complain ;)
  14. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    What ? do you even know what they did with that item, ? From most used lv 45 to straight trash ? I guess you want your skill to get trash too

    Ye and if dwarfs are gonna have dmg increasing support skills , how about tanks rangers and mages alos get to use their armor break skills ? But i assume you will say it will be broken adn dwarfs will get useless..... because "65% would be fine and im not even greedy" , no absolutely totally not greedy m8.

    We hated dwarfs lv 50 and now we hate them too. Only tanks have use of them since tanks can pretty much play the game for free while others struggled solo back in lv 50 , now the story goes on again doesnt it ? I guess story repeats itself , but now with even more trash than before.
  15. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    Only one who deserved to be hated is the Game, and not who plays with the class. This could have been you too, than what?
    Why didnt u said the times when the dwarfs was first introduced, and literally was the shitiest class in the game? You dont had to hate them cause they was weaker than you?
    Little does you know dwarfs at lvl 50-55 would have worth nothing without the speed multiplier ,which wasnt planned for dwarfs.. players actually found out that speed multiply incrase the turrets dmg output.. :) interesting isnt it.
    This game will never ever have any type of ballance and non of the MMORPG games had ballance.. As you can see, u literally hating on a class lmao. "m8"
    Stop assumeing i never said dwarfs gona be useless..
    Wouldnt be easier to buff other chars ,and before any type of "rebalancing" fix the bugs with the dwarfs q7 buff, rangers EA fire dmg, and mages ice spam dmg incrasse, and after that try to reballance again.

    And just for the funfact.. i do felt with mages when they was weak and said multiple times to buff them, and just to let u know my first char was a mage ,and i was able to solo play in fatal mods :) And i do got kicked out multiple times just for being a mage and i didnt hated any class than, i slowly made a small group of friends and went with them to farm, cause back than was useless to solo anything..
    And my Dwarf was registered after lvl 55.. just to clear out who you hateing right now.

    Still makes no sens for me people who talking here most of them only played dwarfs in test server, where the game prooved that u cant test anything.
    I think i just carry on and i close it with this.

    You are pretty much came here to hate nothing more. Not to discuss about the topic, yet again someone who flame on me for the 65%, now on i dont even care how much % they gona reduce it.
    BP should discuss changes with the class which is about to change something ,not with random somebodys who play other chars..

    I would like to see a video about it, i pretty sure a ranger is much faster in map farm, boss fights than a tank..
    Mages actually can be faster in map farms than rangers, but not in bossfights.

    Last edited: Jul 1, 2018
  16. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    Just chill out. As said, no need to start other discussions.
    What i wrote = skill (oil slick) should be nerfed but not make it useless. 30% more damage with thunder is a low bonus, but not useless. The fact there are better weapons doesn't mean that one is totally garbage.
    Anyway, it is R211 post, no need to talk about this. If i knew someone would have taken my words so bad for comparing the quality of two nerfs, I wouldn't wrote them.
  17. AmarWilrick

    AmarWilrick Forum Pro

    Oil slick from 100% to 10 % , this is not a nerf but a skill killing, make it totaly useless again, its nice to make it appear where you click, but for 10% ? for me it's a big -1 . i will speak only about my class, one tume i said something about other class, i got many insults ( not in this forum) .
  18. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    I didnt say i hated them but it was annoying. And the whole fact you need to make friends just so you can play in group is dumb.
    The only thing that bothers me in your comment is this "Wouldnt be easier to buff other chars ,and before any type of "rebalancing" fix the bugs with the dwarfs q7 buff, rangers EA fire dmg, and mages ice spam dmg incrasse, and after that try to reballance again."

    So rangers have sometimes bugged q7 aswell mages, i mean ye bugfixes are needed to be fixed but if you think about it the 2 of the fixes pretty much mean a nerf to the other 2 clasees while the dwarf on is fixing the spammability of the set. I just want to point that out, and im neith poistive or against this but the way its happening is funny since even bugfixes shake the nonexisting balance.

    And just to make it clear mages cant be faster than rangers unless they use the *bugged * q8.
    Just the fact that net flies with fixed amount of time which rly short and the infinite EA spam for 2 sec vs a boss or smt that cant be oneshoted means that mages need to use vortex plus lets say ice sphere which has slow travel speed and while i do this the ranger has already used 2 or 3 Ea and the boss is dead. Its only because of the fixed stats in the game not because of playes skills.
    Kaydranzer likes this.
  19. Veηom

    Veηom Forum Apprentice

    Why should all the talents be OP?

    -Quick shot 3rd talent : Burning effect
    - Mechanical turrets 3rd talent : Huge cooldown reduction (especially with q8 set)
    -Bomb 3rd talent: Triple damage+ armour break
    -Automated turrets 3rd talent : +50% damage

    -Oil slick 3rd talent with the next relese : +100% increased damage for Quick shot , +50 % increased damage for Micro-rocket , +10% increased damage for Heavy shot.Plus, it will be activated wherever you click, so you 'll be using it for mobs and PVP too.Before Heavy shot could reach 600% damage.Does that seem balanced for a skill with 0 steam cost and extremely low cooldown(for some reason)?If I got a talent that offered 100% increased damage for magic missile,50% increased damage for guardian and 10% increased damage for frost nova I 'd gladly accept it.You still have the most OP q8 set , and you 're still the fastest class.Not to mention the group talents.

    Would you like to know what frost wind's 3rd talent is?"Reduces the cooldown of frost wind by,wait for it,.... 5 PERCENT!"

    BTW the event seems to me like a waste of time.For me it's an even greater waste of time, as I prefer to play solo than in group(which is boosted by the fact that all my friends left this game).Some people like being individual and finding a team for the q and mode you want is pretty boring and time-consuming.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2018
  20. Kaydranzer

    Kaydranzer Someday Author

    You forgot the important part of this stupidly overpowered talent. It basically adds bonus damage to the whole Q7 spam rotation a dwarf has except the turret damage. Not to mention that it made heavyshot a 600% damage spell which you can keep up spamming for eternity, if you know what you are doing.

    Just to give an alternate example:

    If a mage would have the same sort of talent it would make:
    Meteorite deal 800% damage, magic missile deal 232% damage and sphere 700% damage. But hey, doesnt this look way too op?
    Yeah you got it.

    What was going on with the guy, who thought that it would be a good idea to give the already strongest class about a 100% boost on the whole Q7 rotation? ***?

    I like the dwarfs who say, they dont like it, if they get critized by other classes, because we "dont play dwarf". Guess what, you dont have to play dwarf to know how broken he is.
    Veηom likes this.
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