Suggestion Recommended Methods for Crafting 2.0

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by _Baragain_, May 18, 2016.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I've seen the same joke applied to officers and NCOs in the military. It is funny for almost any two kinds of people you pick.

    Me, I'm not a computer scientist, but I am an engineer with an above average layman's understanding of programming and more than my fair share of math education focused on analysis of large sets of data with multiple variables.
  2. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    Don't worry, nobody attacked you, you just happened to be the only one here. :D
  3. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    I missed this particular post and if I contributed to the feeling that you were part of the blame, please accept my apology. I spent some time reading the German forum and like here, you were a voice of reason.

    While I do not agree 100% with your ideas, I do find them well thought out and done with the best of intentions.
    Armando likes this.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Only this way makes sense
    Copy /paste

    As stated here they will implement the second version anyway.

    If that is the case ... only one thing makes sense:
    If one is not satisfied with the outcome ... s/he should be able to select which items should be kept.
    The selection is to be made ONLY and ONLY after crafting and before reverting.

    1. Place the ingredient items
    2. Craft
    3. If you are satisfied with the item Accept ->ELSE ->revert
    4. Revert

    5. Accept

    Only this way is Fair for both sides ... and only this way it is not staged (controlled) process.
    Belei and BokiSablja23 like this.
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