Same EQ Showing Different Enchants

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Talbor, Mar 3, 2018.

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  1. Talbor

    Talbor Padavan

    I noticed this last night. I have a legendary Empowered bow and if I hover over it directly (screen 1) it'll show those those enchants, but when i hover over the other bow i'm comparing (screen 2) it shows different enchants. [​IMG][/url][/IMG][​IMG]


    I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, so if not, mods please move it to correct section.

    I've also been seeing other weird things like CV values showing differently while in inventory then it changes when equipped.
  2. wolfie54

    wolfie54 Active Author

    When you compare items, those enchants that are the same will show their combined totals with the individual values in ( ). Values in ( )s are the same as those shown in screenshot 1 for your Legendary item.
  3. Talbor

    Talbor Padavan

    Hahaha, i feel stupid now! Thanks for the explanation.
  4. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    CV is a useless number. Ignore it. There are several older posts explaining why it is useless and confusing.
  5. Talbor

    Talbor Padavan

    Thanks, I'll search & check those out.
  6. wolfie54

    wolfie54 Active Author

    No need to feel stupid, we all learn as we go.
  7. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    As one of the authors of one of those said posts, here are the links. First, here is "What is wrong with the CV system" as a mathematical demonstration of why CV is useless, written by yours truly. Then, check out a more subjective look at "Why we don't like CV" by a gentleman who unfortunately no longer plays or posts (which is a real shame since I really liked his posts and insights).

    CV gives a subjective summary of a character's power. It is subjective because the developers gave different stats different weights based on their own opinions instead of using an objective value like DPS or Effective HP. This subjective nature (based on flawed presuppositions) makes the CV less than useless, it makes it downright dangerous for a new player because it might guide them in the wrong direction entirely.

    The next issue is that it lumps offense and defense into one number that have no direct corollary. What good is a 300k CV DK set up for damage when you are planning on taking on a boss and need a tank.

    The item comparison system is useless because it doesn't show changes in over all CV.

    A "good" player will pretty much always have a higher CV than a newer/weaker player, but in between is a gray area.

    Long story short, any serious and knowledgeable player will entirely ignore the CV system while building their character because the developers had no clue what they were doing when they made the system. You should do likewise.
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