Announcement Sync Release 151

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by teddy.bear, Jun 2, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello Heroes,


    With release 151 we are improving the game entry and cutting the playtime of levels 40-45 in half to prepare your character for the content update Lor’Tac. Besides, we have eliminated bugs reported by you, which affects the Dark Dwarf Heist events in the future and the permanent content.

    Please follow the link to read the complete list of changes: Patch Notes R151

    We are looking forward to your opinions in the Feedback thread.

    TO BE ANNOUNCED (TARGETED LIVE SYNC, Thursday 04.06.2015)

    Best regards,
    CM Greg & DSO Moderation Team
  2. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello Heroes,

    The sync of release 151 has been postponed. As soon as we have the new sync schedule, we will let you know.
    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
  3. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Greetings Heroes,

    Release 151 will be synced on Tuesday.

    LIVE SYNC, Tuesday 09.06.2015


    09:00 am (CEST UTC +2) start count down on all instances (30 minutes)
    09:30 am (CEST UTC +2)
    start maintenance (takes at least 90 minutes)
    11:00 am (CEST UTC +2)
    servers going live again
    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
    DocWhisky likes this.
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