Suggestion Testing Gnob's items before buying.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by bLaind, Oct 1, 2016.

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  1. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    OK, let's not turn this into a war on the matter of whether one likes/knows/is used to apply math to the game, shall we? Yeah, some not-so-complicated knowledge is required if you want to crunch the numbers of whatever it is you wanna test... but again, maybe I don't want to do that... I wanna play a game and not do homework. I respect and appreciate those who can skillfully dwell into the depths of the game's mechanics, but whether you do that or not doesn't make you better than someone else. I rest my case with the last claim, as I believe it would also solve the issue presented in the comment at the top of this thread - a tool similar to the Optimizer, but fully up-to-date would help heaps in theoretical build-making. Of course, the other idea mentioned here, a test-map for fine-tuning a build would also be great, but that's another story.
    Link us to it, if it already exists xD. Also, are you the maker of the Optimizer? Your replies make it sounds so :).
    All the best for updating it whenever time allows, if that's the case! I'll be eagerly waiting :D as I'd just love to play around with it.
    Doubt most would take that effort of waiting around for Suppot. Also, it's a rather silly thing to occupy their time with...
    It's not a real problem (rather a self-induced test) and it could just clutter the path of some maybe more serious tickets.
  2. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Treading on thin ice, aren't we?!
    They've already proved that they can make temp items (most recent example: the T3 dragan ring that they gave from the bonus code, even tho it had selling and melting values). But instead of a time based lifespan, they could make them expire on map change.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
  3. EhtovK likes this.
  4. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    I actually would just melt/sell it infinite times if that was the case.
  5. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Which is why he suggested test-items to have no melting or selling values :p.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
    bLaind likes this.
  6. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    I would but do you know the amount of time it requires to put in the program the uniques values? There are just so many...
  7. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    I'm afraid I do have an idea as to how complex this process could be :(. Maybe get a team of people and do it in phases, or something? Like, one or two sets, regions at a time, IDK. In any case, nobody said you MUST do it :p. I only said it'd be cool to have and good luck for whenever the undertaking would be carried out, if ever ;). So it was just an idea. If it materializes, cool. If not, well, life's life :D.
  8. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    Why we could not simply have a "refund" at ( for ex ) 80% of draken change value ?
    I have an handful of unused epic items in my inventory and I'll be gladly catch by a try with my luck against merchant's sphere
  9. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    It wouldn't be bad for example 30' test (once per month). I wouldn't mind testing his sets.
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