Support Too slow and lag

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Baallith, Oct 28, 2021.

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  1. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Certainly, all true. However, the point is another: I don't have a 4G connection with 150 ms of latency, but with 50 ms. Had it had 150ms I would have changed it long ago.

    it is within the game that it grows up to 150ms and over.
  2. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    for a good gaming experience, you need to have a smooth connection, which isn't always guaranteed by the current ones in Italy. and it's precisely this lack of fluidity that brings your latency up to 160 in the game.
    this is based on my personal experience, I am not a technician in the sector who surely could explain you better.
  3. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    Finally a good answer but there is a very small problem :)

    |                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
    |                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
    |                    -    2 |  101 |   99 |   36 |   70 |  109 |   77 |
    |                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
    |                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
    |                    -    2 |  101 |   99 |   36 |   73 |   83 |   44 |
    |                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
    |                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
    |                    -    1 |  101 |  100 |   39 |   75 |   84 |   78 |
    We don't test game server but a load balancer/gateway or similar so we can't know if it is a network or server problem

    However before the hotfix for audio problems I had 20ms, after no less than 32ms
    Tonight at 3am: 32ms
    Now: 80ms or more

    We will see what will happen on Saturday with Defeat the Undefeatable

    Also a "ping -t" can be usefull
    C:\>ping -t
    Esecuzione di Ping [] con 32 byte di dati:
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=75ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=77ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=77ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=36ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=80ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=72ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=75ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
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    Risposta da byte=32 durata=68ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=79ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=77ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=72ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=77ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=79ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=74ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=51ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=78ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=77ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=80ms TTL=87
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=87
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
    Javah likes this.
  4. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Thank you much, it makes a sense, highly appreciated.

    winMRT vs Heredur server:

    |                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
    |                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
    |                    -    2 |  195 |  193 |   70 |   98 |  322 |  134 |
    Ping -t:
    Esecuzione di Ping [] con 32 byte di dati:
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=99ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=126ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=89ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=106ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=86ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=84ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=85ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=95ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=112ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=74ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=92ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=104ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=91ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=99ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=96ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=106ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=94ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=85ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=82ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=106ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=82ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=73ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=75ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=76ms TTL=85
    Risposta da byte=32 durata=70ms TTL=85
    Still green dot at least... lol:


    Actual state of my 4G net:


    No Win update in progress:


    winMRT vs Grimmag seems to be not so better, but more in line with my net performance:

    |                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
    |                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
    |                    -    0 |   85 |   85 |   73 |  101 |  270 |   88 |
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
  5. MisterNoob

    MisterNoob Advanced

    I got pretty fast net too...
    ...but also lags in game.

    It happens randomly on maps, 1-5 seconds full stop. The char itself can run, but returns (mostly dead) on the spot where lag started. Not very amusing on bloodshed without premium >:-/ Jumping to maps work however smoothly and fast.

    Oh, and my PC runs other games with RT on ultra without DLSS, so I quess no problem here.
    Самма likes this.
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yo bro, you don't read what did I say :D
    meaning ... I am not discussing your issue but the screenshot you have posted.
    Before continuing into the explanation and tech details let me first say ... the game has a bad coding and poorly configured servers. Now even previously fixed issues have been brought back into the game ... by poor coding practices. Maybe the old team did leave a notice about the issue , on a sticker hanged on the fridge in the office ... but the new one-man-show team does not speak German and is light years away from the Berlin office.
    Back to your reply ...
    I am careful in word selection :p i never said your internet suck ... i said your connection
    There is a reason why all ISPs are having same reply to customers ... something like "our service is excellent, you should check your network connection". That means that your home network connection might be the issue ... the connection from your router/modem to your wireless network card.
    These speed tests mean nothing since they are useless. These tests are deceptive since they are not measuring constant performance but rather highest peaks at certain point of time. In other words they are marketing tools for ISPs. That is what all ISPs are telling customers, in example "the speed is UP to 5Mbps" yes that is true ... you had hit 5Mbps yesterday at noon ... and never again ... meaning your internet speed is as advertised :D
    Wireless networks are NOT for gaming ... cable will always beat wi-fi. Waves are being interrupted by many factors like : weather, other waves, electronic devices, physical obstacles etc. Cable is protecting the signal from outside interference.
    I am writing all this just to get to my point that you don't quite understand :p ....
    Internet speed means nothing in games like this one ... because once you download all the data your speed is irrelevant (unless you are using dial up connection). The server and the client are in constant communication but those are not requiring high bandwidth ... and it doesn't matter if your speed is 5Yottabits or 5Kilobits per second.
    It is the responsiveness and the latency that matter. The lag can be caused by many factors.
    So this was the thing that I was trying to emphasize in your screenshot.
    I did check your IP address location and the distance from the server you were testing ... and the small distance did not justify the huge latency. 42 ms is a huge latency for such small distance ... 5-10ms would have been OK.
    That was I trying to tell you in the previous reply ...
    Again ... i am not discussing your issue but the speed test screenshot. But it could be part of your issue. The only way to check it out is to access your network card and your modem/router and use the provided software (if any) to monitor the management of packet loss.
    That could be a main cause of latency in wireless network connections (providing the game is working fine - which is not. Poorly written software, which the game is, can cause lag).
    And then again, seeing your other screenshot with almost same lag to much distant geo location is just confirming the inconsistency with your latency.

    like i said ... those speed test results are irrelevant.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
    OopsFoos and EmilyRose like this.
  7. MisterNoob

    MisterNoob Advanced

    Not entirely, having quality net with low ping shows part of information, that the problem may not be at the user. I also pinged and traced whole connection to game server. No packets lost, no peaks in pings, should work fine. I am connected with cable.

    More important, I did not have the problems with lags in game before the first patch of the new team (253) and nothing else changed since that time in my PC.
    Marsicanus and Javah like this.
  8. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    That's the point.

    Why do focus on player's nets if they never caused such kind of problems?
  9. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    cable is better than wireless, but not perfect...
    why focus always and only on the problems of the game? why not also consider your own connection? the game is not perfect, but the connection is not infallible, probably many more users overload the bandwidth and the manager has not boosted the line, so it could be just coincidences that after a patch there is lag in the game, because if this were the case not only few players would complain, but hundreds or do you think you are the only ones playing this game?
  10. MisterNoob

    MisterNoob Advanced

    Hehe, another one confirms game instability (20.1.2022)

    But this time not an user, but chief of dev team :D

    Just a side question: if wifi is bad, cable not perfect, what is the connection alternative? Quantum transmision ethernet portal gate?
    Marsicanus likes this.
  11. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    For LAG, another way to test connections is using VPN.
    The network connection is the same but you change the route packets use.

    Test with 100 packets sent: DX no VPN, DX with VPN in same country.
    As you can see I can reach Drakensang' servers in half time.

    The route using VPN use better (or less used) pccwglobal and pccwbtn device

    device 1127device 111621
    device 2200device 221723
    device 33434device 331973
    device 4459device 441823
    device 551014device 551723
    device 6612197
    device 7751312
    device 881822
    device 994880
    No response from host1400No response from host1000
    No response from host1500No response from host1100
    No response from host1600No response from host1200
    No response from host1700No response from host1300
    No response from host1800No response from host1400
    No response from host1900No response from host1500

    The question is: is "legal" to use VPN without changing country for Drakensang?
    I think it is time to change CGC because in years privacy laws changed.

    Are there still differences in how to buy andermants based on account country?

    Using VPN or not I can change map 6 time in 60sec (10sec/map) so network connection does not affect the timing.
    In the evening or during events time to change map is 20-30sec or more...let's test tomorrow with DTU event active

    Time to change map is time connection + time to create instance map + time for client to update screen

    "time for client to update screen" is quite constant so we can take it out of the formula

    We suppose that time to create instance map is Xsec and connection time is Ysec
    so Z = X + Y

    Now we suppose absurdly that the connection time is 0ms so Z = X
    and that the connection time is 1000ms so Z = X + 1

    Someone can explain me why normally there will be 10sec to change map, during night about 5sec and many other time 20-30 or more than 1 minute?

    PS: my computer is not out of date
  12. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    I don't know if there is a connection that can guarantee you a smooth lag-free game. I certainly know that lag has always been part of games and not only that, any activity on "internet" can suffers it.

    " Can a VPN lower the ping?
    It's not easy to say, and the answer largely depends on the VPN you use, the server you connect to, and your location. Usually, a VPN will slightly increase the ping of your connection. However, if you connect to a high speed server that is very close to your location, you can get a pretty low ping by being able to play quietly without lag." (Source google)

    I play on a 10 year old computer with a wireless connection and I currently have no lag problems ( play solo ).
  13. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    I didn't said that VPN lower the ping but that using VPN is another way to test,
    In may case, this morning, using a VPN my packets went through 16 devices before reaching the goal with an average ping of 27ms.
    Without VPN my packets went through 20 devices before reaching the goal with an average ping of 61ms.

    The packet use 2 different path and with VPN it is better (short and faster). A difference of 34ms is nothing compared to 1000ms but is huge compared to 61ms.

    Question: why you play solo?
    Javah likes this.
  14. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Oh well I see that, apart from Marsicanus, people do not know what they are talking about here, and give meaningless answers fished on google. And I soon get tired of wasting my time, since it is full of better things to do.

    So I end here the vacuous responses to the equally vacuous polemics: if any mods can give answers to the tests I posted yesterday - and that whoever understands these things sees perfectly as being anomalous - I will be grateful to them. But no problem otherwise.


    The answer is yes.

    The answer is no.

    But the reliable test is made only using gaming VPN: that's another test I did, having purchased gaming VPN yearly subscription when I was playing on LA russian servers. But I see no improvements/worsening at all with DSO, that's why I AM SURE that net/connection is NOT the issue. The reason of its usefulness is that many ISPs throttle or slow down bandwidth for one reason or another, especially if they detect specific traffic on the network, particularly gaming, streaming, file sharing etc., and a VPN helps you avoid data throttling by encrypting your data, making it harder for your ISP to figure out whether you're gaming or simply surfing the internet. So if you don't see improveements even using gaming VPN, the problem is simply not there.

    P.S. Sorry but I know what I talk. I work for a company that does things like this professionally, and I don't need the silly lessons I read up here.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2022
    Marsicanus likes this.
  15. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    I suppose you consider yourself an expert so I hope to make you happy using your and Marsicanus words ;)
    Can I say the problem is Marsicanus connection?

    Because solo is better ;)
  16. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    I have never complained about the lag but about the map change times.
    As long as I stay below 100ms there is no problem for me

    If you use my VPN test: yes there is something that slow my connection to Drakensang's server.
    But you can explain me why at same time I've 50ms avg vs a public IP in Berlin and 75ms avg vs DSO server?
    Simply because also severs have "connection problem" like us or server are downloading Windows 11.

    But for you there are no problems in the game, we make up the problems for ourselves

    Or peharps you haven't read this

    You did not answer the question. Why solo is better?
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2022
  17. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    maybe if I say that the game servers need to be updated to improve the game performance, it's better for you?
    and if I haven't your lag in the game, even if my pc is old and I use a mobile connection, so I say that it's your connection that creates your lag in the game, am I wrong?
    well, this is the main reason why I prefer to play alone, it's not always easy to get accepted for what I think ;)
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Because your speed test screenshot makes no sense at all :)
    I already said in all my replies I am not focusing on your issue but at that particular screenshot because it makes no sense and by itself can become issue.
    I am aware and I know players who are having lags even if they are using cable, in fact some of them are not even able to play the game at all since the map is not loading at all, and the issue is clearly not at their side.
    I will no longer bother you with the screenshot that makes no sense ... May the 4G Tower enlighten your gaming! :)
    Because the server is collecting info from all players in group before returns info to each of them ... making by definition solo play less lag dependent.
    From technical and privacy point of view it is legal ... but from financial point of view it is illegal until they make all prices equal for all places on planet Earth. Meaning , no matter what country you are from you would pay a same price for a service.
    they have changed but not for the better.
    Server's capacity is one possible explanation. Creating bottleneck while serving more users at same time.
    It is all physics ... you can't change the laws of physics. You can't benefit VPN if their server is not close to your location, game server's location or close to the route.
    Even if you are using connection with speed of light (radio wave's speed is approximately equal to speed of light) you will always have greater lag at greater distance.
    What chief of dev team what BS. He is probably a freelancer hired by this indie game.
  19. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    I agree all you wrote

    Yes I can't change the laws of physics BUT if I can change my path maybe I can get around this.
    I can't change my maximum speed but if it is a bottleneck on my route I can use another way, maybe longer, but more efficient.

    That's right, I think that's the reason, at least one of them, but I can't be sure so I asked her
  20. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    Shame on your server bp team. Is not even posible to w8 2 min to enter/switch maps. ..........