Unique Gear Thread for DK's.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Callisto, Nov 27, 2013.

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  1. Sandman2022

    Sandman2022 Forum Greenhorn

    third time that the post containing complaints is deleted by the moderators, it is not clear whether due to personal dislike of the same towards ME or because they have instructions not to let other users read complaints about the game. Since this contemptuous attitude towards those who are called USERS only when they have to pay and are NOT CONSIDERED USERS when they have to play or complain, I started the first step for leaving the game: first step cancellation of premium users, if I will be canceled again without any explanation (since I do not break any netiquette rules) the next step will be to delete the characters ..... third step will be just the umpteenth consequence of this BORIOUS and SCORING attitude towards the USERS and I will permanently delete the account. I WANT TO BE ABLE TO EXPRESS MY OPNIONS ABOUT THE GAME WITHOUT ANY KIND OF COMPLAINT (which is probably not accepted in your part).
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Generally speaking, the moderators here are fair but do have some specific rules which they follow more or less strictly.

    Did you complain in the forum about a specific player? Or did you reveal the content of a request you sent to the Support team? Did you use offensive language? Did you simply attack the developers or the producers without providing any constructive feedback?

    If you just want to rant, consider using a different platform, maybe Twitter?
  3. Sandman2022

    Sandman2022 Forum Greenhorn

    chiesta cancellazione account dal forum per colpa di moderatori MALEDUCATI E VIGLIACCHI che hanno come unico scopo nella vita di cancellare i post degli utenti senza neanche avere il coraggio di dare una risposta....se questa è la vostra vita povere le persone che vi stanno accanto....che pena che fate!!
  4. famil1234

    famil1234 Forum Greenhorn

    Efendim, daha önce oynadığım için zaten bir DSO hesabım var, ancak steam'de oynamak istiyorum, hesabımı Steam'e nasıl aktarabilirim, lütfen bana yardım edin, hesap kaybolmuyor mu?
  5. abluka1

    abluka1 Forum Greenhorn

    Bildiğim kadarıyla aktarım gibi bir durum yok Steam platformundan yeni hesapla giriş yapılacak
  6. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Your post isn't in English.

    But before it gets deleted by a moderator, you can't transfer your existing account to Steam. If you want to play via Steam, you have to start again from scratch.
  7. silva

    silva Forum Greenhorn

    good morning guys,can someone help me get a weapon q4 50/100 tp blood, me iss heredur server please?
  8. Dimash1964

    Dimash1964 Forum Apprentice

    Any plans to add "premium elixir" in the store to obtain for money or andermants or will it be possible to get them from mystical cubes, if so will the probability be upgraded?
    The point of the elixir was to make the mystic cubes worth grinding for and opening,
    rather than saving and stacking, even if players still save the cubes for special occasions. The elixirs are supposed to be mystic cubes- and premium-exclusive, so at most they might be obtainable from Premium Day offers.
    but if the premium elixir is found 1 time out of 300 cubes ... it is normal that players will try to stack the cubes to have a chance to find at least 1 (which then lasts 7 days) it is possible that you have not even thought of saying that you increase the dop rate of the premium elixir (as well as many other things that the players would need runes, jewels, etc.) if in the fanfare announcements you do there are no these answers what do you write about anything?
  9. BarbaroSelvagem

    BarbaroSelvagem Forum Apprentice

    After kill sargon x60 times, I didn't received the amulet lvl 140, this video shows a guy receviing the amulet lvl 140 from the x60 achievement:
    but I received lvl 100 one, why?


    Also I have some questions, like? clear the map matters for drop the amulet?
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 16, 2022

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    As you can clearly see in video; he drops it from sargon. The one you get in archievement always give lvl100 (which is stupid and completely useless)
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2022
  11. trumbo

    trumbo Someday Author

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2022
  12. BarbaroSelvagem

    BarbaroSelvagem Forum Apprentice

    Now I want delete the post, thanks xd
  13. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

    La entrada esta en la Ciudad de Kingshill:


    Este evento esta en dos partes:
    - Festival Fantasmal
    - Wendigo

    Para la primera parte lo mejor es comprar las entradas en Thabo al Castillo del Horror y hacer el evento pero solo hasta la Barra IV.

    Después cuando comience el Mini evento Wendigo comenzar hacer la Barra IV, ya que en ese momento es que la Reina bruja Gwenfara dropea la Fuerza Vital que se necesita para invocar al Wendigo.

    Sobre el evento puedes leer aquí:
  14. rolandxr7

    rolandxr7 Someday Author

    Un evento que no solo necesitaba cambios en la barra para hacerla más atractiva, sino que la han convertido en un evento absurdo para los nuevos jugadores.

    Los nuevos jugadores apenas tienen recursos y ponen un evento con un progreso absurdo, o es que planean dar códigos para compensar ese error de novato.

    Parecía que iban camino a una mejora pero se ve que siguen con la de aburrir a los nuevos jugadores con eventos absurdos debido a los escasos premios y la abominada cantidad de progreso.
  15. Talbor

    Talbor Padavan

    This is the English forums & many of us, me included, have no idea what you're saying.
  16. Dimash1964

    Dimash1964 Forum Apprentice

    I think, I believe, I suppose, that he is saying that this "event" is impossible for new players because especially for the last progress bar it is impossible for a new player to have enough resources (sphere fragments) to take the passages to the castle ? and if you can not enter the castle you do not carry on an event ..... since for the last bar, assuming that a new player can do it in merciless, it takes only 1106 inputs I think equal to 23400 sphere fragments (only for the last bar) and only if you buy the coat at 30 €.
  17. rolandxr7

    rolandxr7 Someday Author

    Well, if they don't understand my English from Google, you can put the Spanish forum back, it doesn't matter what language you say things to them, it will continue to be a bad event.
  18. ГорскиДени

    ГорскиДени Forum Greenhorn

    Искам да покажа нещо на хората, разработчиците и всеки, който отговаря за подобренията на тази игра. Това ще бъде просто основна математика за падането на бижута.

    Ако направите PW безмилостно бягане с всичките 3 карти, можете да отворите сандък, наречен PW сандък. Този сандък съдържа някои предмети, но нека се съсредоточим върху предмета ни бижутата. Тъй като действате безмилостно, имате %0,5 шанс да получите бижу от този сандък, но ако търсите конкретно бижу, да кажем Jewel of Rage, нещата стават по-трудни. Тези сандъци могат да изпускат 5 различни бижута и ако приемем, че имат същия процент на изпадане (което според мен не е така), имате %20, за да получите мечтаното бижу. Ако разделите 0,5 на 5 (тъй като имате %20 процент на падане), ще имате %0,1 шанс да изпуснете мечтаното бижу. Ако отворите калъф в играта, наречена CS:GO, имате %0,3 шанс да получите рядък предмет (нож или ръкавици) и най-евтиният от тези редки предмети е $50, някои от тях струват десетки хиляди долара.

    Така че предлагам на разработчиците, моля, бъдете разумни относно играта си. Тази игра дори няма търговия на открития пазар, което означава, че никой не може да продаде това %0,1 бижу. Направих 700 PW безмилостни бягания и 300 PW кръвопролития и получих 2 бижута. И двамата бяха Thundering Flower Jewel. Направете тези бижута постижими за хората, които отделят време за тях. Благодаря.
  19. claudemir000

    claudemir000 Forum Greenhorn

    Bom Dia

    Eu queria saber como a ( skin do andarilho do pântano ) pois diz que na loja por tempo limitado e em um mais ja faz uns meses que estou tentando e não consigo encontrar para aquestição ter alguma outra forma de conseguir ?
  20. Sapsupxdd

    Sapsupxdd Forum Greenhorn

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