Comment on "Your Community Managers"

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Apr 11, 2014.

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  1. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I assume it will be similar to the last update from level 40 to 45; there it was new legendary items every 1 or 2 levels up to level 45; set level uniques will maintain their level, and variable level uniques (those that drop at your level, such as the moon sets and ammons) will be extended to the new level.

    BP should consider upping the drop level of the end game gear that comes at set levels. It would be a pain if mortis is level 50 and only drops level 40 gear.
    VoulaAek1 and mokranje like this.
  2. nasowas

    nasowas Junior Expert

    Have to agree. Think with the limited imagination from the dev team, PW's will be boosted to lvl 50, so it means we have to farm them all over again for lvl 50 PW gear, but think they will still drop gear equippable to the level of players running them. 5 lvl 35's will still face a lvl 35 Mortis and get lvl 35 drops.
    Personally I am hoping that the lvl 50 end game boss actually drops gear that is better than mediocre with possibly a couple more sets available to break us out of this clone syndrome we're in.
  3. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Not sure if Mortis is available other than 45? But then I don't have low level toons I want to run PW with and find out.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Mortis scales alright.

    Watch Static's video.
  5. VoulaAek1

    VoulaAek1 Forum Connoisseur

    Ok with that, but actually i asked if we will have the possibility to upgrade them to 55 or more...
  6. vojza

    vojza Board Analyst

    Hello Greg,
    I want to say that R139 will be amazing(well done) .But we (CZ /SK community) want to get some small rewards from archements for exemple 5-15 gold or somethink even smaller ,but we need motovation for slaying monsters and bosses again and again (now is it boring).I havent any motivaton to collect archivments now -I cant show my archivements to friends i havent got any reward from it so why should collect archivents? Only for me it felt good in the game ? Or why ?

    Thanks for answer,
    Greg and sorry for my bad english vojza​
    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ likes this.
  7. shadow-whisper

    shadow-whisper Forum Mogul

    ^ This. I was really looking foward to the achievment system, but after I saw it on test server, I was like ... uhm, WHAT ?!?

    This feature had a lot of potential and it could push the game to a next level. But this must be a joke. I expected some easy achievments with little rewards, like Vojza mentioned, some gold, maybe a little andermant. Then some harder ones with better rewards (higher amount of gold/ander, colors, keys, costumes etc... ) to motivate the players to complete them. And then some really hardcore achievments, for end game and old players, that takes a lot of time to complete, for ex. kill destructor 1K times etc and get some real special rewards for those, for ex. exclusive pets/mounts/costumes, maybe even some unique equipment, so only the top players can get these.

    Now, if you really don´t plan to put some rewards for the achievment completion, here is my second idea

    Each completed achievment will give you some points (tokens, coins, call it whatever you want). Easy achievments give you 1 - 5, harder ones 10 - 30, and harder ones 100+. And now lets combine the achievment system with something like this[​IMG]

    An exclusive merchant will be in Kingshill, offering emotes/buffs/equipment/mounts etc... buyable with points achieved from the achievments.

    Both ideas would motivate the players to complete the achievments, as having them there "just cause" is like not having them at all. So I hope you will rework them and add them later, as adding half-finished staff into the game just brings new bugs ...

    And, of course there should be event - only achievments, something like kill the Sargon xxx times to get the amulet and so on..

    And one more thing - quests like win x/xx/xxx/xxxx matches in arena to get a costume / pet should be moved to achievments as well.

    That´s all from me, thanks for reading
  8. vojza

    vojza Board Analyst

    Yes,shadow-whisper idea will be very good :D Please have a look on it !!!
  9. vojza

    vojza Board Analyst

    Hello I am very angry now. Are serious 150 gold for legend.Please shot it down to 50 (1200adermant) or 75 (160 adermant) !!!!
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2014
    moby31 likes this.
  10. shadow-whisper

    shadow-whisper Forum Mogul

    Lol, what a rip-off again. Are you sure it will make you more money ? Players will just leave and go play better games. Only hard donators will stay, but they will have no one to play with, so after time, they will leave as well. If you want to destroy the game, you are doing it better and better with every release ...


    Edit : I´m sorry, I was just correcting Vojza as by "tm" he ment andermant, but you probably get that ..
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2014
    Wyrwiflaka and vojza like this.
  11. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Just to remind you, this is an English forum. No other language than English is allowed!
    vojza likes this.
  12. CM Greg

    CM Greg Forum Newbie

    Read first:
    Hey guys & girls, apologize my late responses, as you know we have had some extreme changes and i was super busy preparing them.
    Also we had some turbulence during 14-16th Nov. So Im back with some info!

    @Multi-Sev :
    About the Destruction Seal
    Well, Destructor was mentioned in the question of the user, so I reckon that the Gear Amulet is what they are talking about.
    When it comes to any other item that is close to having a name such as "Destruction Seal" - the only item i can think of and find is the Seal of Death but that one is dropped by Mortis. Thanks for the page reference but i see that the wiki has already been updated to feature the Powerful Gear.

    About Predator being dropped by a Witch
    Game Designers are shaking their heads. So that's a definite no.
    If the bow actually drops there from a Witch in the Swerdfield Pastures, then that's a bug. I can see how the rumor started though,
    Khalys is technically a witch and when a rumor passes many minds, well, everyone adds a little part to the story.

    I have forwarded this to a designer. Thank you!

    Jumong's Set / The set of the Legendary King
    Yes, you are right, the post has been edited by me. That's because we received
    first a "Go-tell-the-community" and then right afterwards, we were asked not to announce it yet
    as A) we would have stolen the focus from a campaign based around these items B) the naming of the items
    was not final, so we have been asked to withdraw their announcement. Obviously these items have already been found
    in the game. The Legendary King's set and a brand new set (that can be gotten from the Mysterious Cubes) will be fully displayed at tomorrow's Twitch TV session watch here:

    Base Stats Not showing in Compare Loot Tool
    The base stats are not shown there because they are always remain the same (ergo the naming "base").
    It s a valid point that we can raise to the game designers though.

    Upgrade items to level 50 and beyond
    Unfortunately we have no official confirmation about that yet.
    However, I reckon that if player can reach level 50 with the content expansion, they will be able to
    upgrade items until level 55 or even 60 but again, that's only my personal assumption.

    Achievements? What's my motivation?
    Hey there, i can totally relate to that! That was basically @CM_Dracaty and my question too.
    We feel that players should be rewarded when having unlocked an achievement. We have also given this
    feedback to the game designers. I am certain that the achievements that you see now are not in their final
    form. There will be a) more of them b) there should be a reward behind them. You have the CMs 100% on your side;)

    @shadow-whisper - thank you for the explicit commenting

    Too much Gold needed for the Workbench
    Yes, firstly you will feel that this is too much.
    A) that's because crafting never cost a penny before - and that's why it feel extremely pricey now
    B) the game designers state that, in the long-run you will have enough gold to be able to craft and it will feel less painful
    C) players were conditioned to craft items together to get legendary items instead of hunting for them, that's not the core aim
    of an RPG. Grinding hours to get green->blue->purple->orange items should be only an alternative solution. The focus and main mechanic should be finding items by slaying monsters. That's why the droprate of legendaries has also been increased.
    That being said, we the CMs, will follow the mood of the community and see what the long-term reaction about this change is.

    Thank you all for your questions:)
    vojza, VoulaAek1 and shadow-whisper like this.
  13. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    I understand the logic of this, but in reality it is quite different.

    Using HOD as an example, a player could craft 1 legendary item per run at a minimum. So in a matter of hours you could rack them up with ease. I crafted over 30 in the last couple of days waiting for this release without any leg drops at all. Now with the high price of crafting you tell us that in a RPG game we are supposed to wait for a monster/boss to drop a legendary item. I'm still waiting for the increase to happen or be noticeable but considering I still get green items when beating Mortis, I'm not holding my breath.

    The thought of getting rid of the cots to save grinding time was a good one, but substituting that time for grinding for gold seems to defeat the purpose all together.
    CM Greg likes this.
  14. VoulaAek1

    VoulaAek1 Forum Connoisseur

    Hi again,

    Thanks for the answer Greg.Indeed, crafting costs a lot of gold.But some missions require to combine 4 items/tools so as to complete them, in this case gold should be minimal or not? Moreover, Dragan event is over but i suppose it will come again.If that happen, you need A LOT OF gold to complete the set! Take that into consideration.
    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ and vojza like this.
  15. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    For what its worth, i think ive found 4 level 45 legendaries this past week before the update; 2 running the blackborg day map with the dwarf, 2 in map2 with my DK. The update will, at least from my perspective, mean that im constantly getting free legendaries.

    The other benefit is going to be more use of midlevel uniques that are not end game worthy. Before, decent midlevel uniques were ignored in order to save cots for endgame; Now, if you find an unique thats better than your current gear but not endgame, you'll use until you get that endgame item. No more threads about whether to id this unique or not.
  16. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    No, I feel it is outrageous priced simply because I do not have the coin to craft at these prices. I have been playing for three years. I am also retired and spend a lot of time playing, particularly during the cold/snowy months that just began. I have a pretty good idea of how much gold a player can get over a sustained gaming sessions.
    Then they need to actually play the game with a real characters (not a premade lvl 45 with all the best stuff.) This situation is actually worse for toons below mid-level. Even with plenty of inventory space and a few hour grind will not get you enough vendor trash to sell to craft four blues to purple. Pay for green ess, combining gems, repairs and travel and see how much coin is left.
    This would be great if 1) the drop rates of legends were actually that good and 2) if the random stats on most items did not make them good for anything but melting or selling.
    Well thank for that at least. I'm sure we'll let you know ;)

    Luck be with ye,
  17. herodian

    herodian Forum Greenhorn

    Greg, I appreciate your work in socializing the patch 139 to us. Those youtube videos are very informative of what to be known before the patch so we can prepare better.

    However, why don't you tell us that the PW quest lvl requirement become lvl 40? I need to be lvl 35 to enter that map now, while i currently have 6 slots of hard-earned quest items in my inventory. My inventory is not big, so 6 slots really takes up my inventory. I cant throw that either since they are hard-earned and almost completed :(

    This patchnotes also tell us nothing about that +5 lvl requirement for PW.

    And also what's the point of giving lvl 30-35 people access to Watery Grave now, while we cannot enter PW? Are those PW quest now being adjusted to require lvl 35 to take them? I need some enlightenment here, to see whether it is an error or bug or simply "hidden change".
  18. vojza

    vojza Board Analyst

    Hello as you know already implented lots of thinks from producent dialog.And Rick in his dialog said that for more informations we must to stay to end of the year .So I am asking -Are you working on new producent dialog to first quater (january,febulary) of new year ?
  19. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    PROBLEM/SOLUTION (skip to the bottom if you don't care about the reasoning)

    Let me first say that if the drops of gold or value of items had changed to match crafting needs, this would be a non-issue. I did notice a few stat lines on items being sold are now worth more to the vendor, but it is insiginificant compared to what is needed to craft and purchase new items.

    It did not go unnoticed the the cost of crafting an item in ander is roughly the same as what it would cost to buy the cots using ander. Higher cost if you craft from green and blue items as the intermediary steps add cost. OK, a way for people to buy there way out of the farming madness and for BP to make money, noted.

    So, if we instead choose to play the game to gain and identify legendaries, you have put us in a bad situation. Most people are not looking to just get legendaries. They are looking for a specific item or two; a bow, a wand, boots or whatever. Just increasing the drop rate of legendaries does not fix that. I have no use for a random legendary helm.

    Crafting has always been the solution to this. It is the most reliable way for us to get the items we actually want that will improve our toons. Farm farm farm, craft craft craft, and hold the rubber chicken over our heads so a mob might actually drop a useful legendary in the process of getting crafting items. So, I farm to get the items needed and in the process sell everything else so I have enough gold to actually craft.

    And that creates a secondary conflict between selling items to craft, and melting them to improve items I already know are useful. This is maddening especailly when the result is vendor trash.

    Since legendaries seem to be the focus of all this quandry, raise thier value SIGNIFICANTLY. If it cost 158 gold for me to craft it, it shouldnt be worth 4 gold when its done. This would be like car companies making a car and then selling it for $100. The value of legendaries post craft, and found as drops, should be worth at least half the value it cost to craft them.

    1. This would reduce grind time for gold, which you stated as a BP goal, and not make it so painful when you hit ID and realize its vendor trash.

    2. This would be a BP revenue stream. Big buyers would buy ander, to make legendaries, to sell for gold, to buy the Premium Vendor items that are way overpriced.

    3. The hours spent garnering items and gold would not be pointless when pieces rolled are useless.

    4. If you do not fix this, you have turned an enticing, challenging, and mostly fun part of the game into a frustration that is currently making the game much less rewarding. Time invested with no reward is a moral killer.

    God I hate reading long posts.
  20. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    greg we need to talk..
    Too much Gold needed for the Workbench
    Yes, firstly you will feel that this is too much.
    A) that's because crafting never cost a penny before - and that's why it feel extremely pricey now.

    we have no gold
    we have no silver drops to add up to gold
    you all never increased the coin drop to use the crafting table
    we cant collect copper for a month to craft 1 item,then its unusable because the stats are lower than what we have
    But,i seen somewhere in crafting somewhere,"cant say the game it was"you can take 1 stat from an item and craft it to another.
    'say i had sword,it has +5 dmg and 1% speed,,i can take the +5 dmg and craft it to my sword,overriding my +1 dmg i had.
    if your not going to increase the amount in coin drops,then at least give us a good crafting experience.
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