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Discussion in 'Dragonknights' started by Spyke00, Dec 26, 2013.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Congrats... that is what I want in an axe... if you've been reading this, then you know that this hammer is excellent!
    P.S. Congrats on the first 4/4 gold line weapon I've seen from live server.

    You're welcome. I once discussed this with a DK who had 12k armor and his excuse was that it helped when getting armor broken, but I argued that it didn't make so much difference since being armor broken didn't happen that much and that was a lot of wasted resources for a fringe case. They were using a full armor torso though, so they would benefit most from losing a couple of armor lines for a couple of % Damage lines while still maintaining the 80% armor.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
    thebearreturns likes this.
  2. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    Weap deco: 1065
    Amulet: 935
    Belt: 425
    Onyxes: 335+250+250

    gun likes this.
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Here is my update after the recent amulet that I crafted.
    I guess that now it is time to start looking at a better torso or a crit damage belt or decoration.
  4. monder888

    monder888 Someday Author

    thebearreturns and Dragonnns like this.
  5. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    I'm sorry for your pvp enemies :confused:
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    That isn't quite my PVP build... Not enough defences. However, it does force me to reevaluate my PVP build since I removed the Dragon Shackle and lost a good chuck of armor and fire resist. Really, I don't need the attack speed in PVP, so I'll look for a good pair of HP gloves to use in PVP.

    I'll reveal my new PvP build after the New Moon event. I'm looking to get the white boots and I'll look for those "good pair of HP gloves" and then he ought to be a monster.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
    thebearreturns likes this.
  7. Nostradamus88

    Nostradamus88 Active Author

    Yeah, but if you're planning on going in every modality of pvp with 2h set up, i recommend you to choose one of these two ways: or very high speed movement (boots with more than 30%) or seriously powering up that defense (res near 60%, armor 70% and life 16k). Only in that case you'll be a very big problem. If you stay like this, a well balanced and skilled player (obviously particularly a dk :p ) will always own you. 2h set up are very powerful but not properly for pvp use, according to my experience.
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    My normal PvP build before this amulet had 70% armor, 50% resist and 16.4k HP (Small updates made since Screen Shot). I only really do 1v1 so that I'm not at the mercy of being teamed up with noobs. I've had 5v5 matches where I score more damage than the rest of the entire other team and double the rest of my team's damage, but my team still loses. I've had other lost matches where I have more points than every one on the other team except the flag carrier, but we've still lost. But in 1v1, I regularly own Flag Bearers, Marshals, Field Marshals, and even Grand Marshals (when they end up in my bracket) as only a KotO (Just reached SKotO the other night while working on a clover) because it is a matter of skill. The trick was to kill them before they had a chance to kill me and I'm very good at not getting hit. With my DPS, not even DKs stand a chance except for one that is a HUGE cash player and a Field Marshal. My plan is for 65%-68% armor, 14.5k HP and 51% resist with 5.8k-7.6k damage, 50% crit rate, and +195% crit damage. I've hit players for 12k-14k on a crit charge, so after these changes, I expect that I'll be able to crit for 14k-17k.

    So, long story short:
    Thanks for the concern, but PvP won't be an issue. :cool:
    thebearreturns likes this.
  9. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    2H is great for 5v5 and doable at 1v1 for someone my stats in my experience (I've restarted pvping since the daily quest format started). And Baragain's DK is much better than mine in nearly every way, especially on offense.

    5v5 as a 2H DK does take some strategy adjustments, including the willingness to make in match adjustments. But you can consistently win with high scores aslong as you can tolerate the occasional periods of crap play.

    Still not as good as the old level 45 game, but that might just be due to my non traditional level 45 game as a 1H damage dealing DK.
    thebearreturns likes this.
  10. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    "Good HP Gloves" like these...
    But I really do wish that the last line was at least 350... I feel sort of cheated on that one.

    So, based on a little math, after the New Moon, my stats should be the following:

    StatOld PvP BuildNew PvP Build
    Attack Speed1.191.19
    Crit Damage+130+195.12

    I may be off on the new HP and armor a little... it is just past midnight and my brain shuts off at 11, but you get the picture. Sacrificing some defense for a huge jump in offence... and if I wanted to sacrifice that 1654 (x1.54) HP, then I could also have my pick of 30% crit damage or 33.13 attack speed, and that is what I'll be deciding on for PvE.
    thebearreturns likes this.
  11. Nostradamus88

    Nostradamus88 Active Author

    ok surely it's an incredible building and i don't want to ruin anything, really it's an incredible powerful dk. But believe me that there are a lot of beasts like you in the pvp. Ranking, the most of time, does not correspond with the power and the ability of a character/player. So i don't know who you did meet. But please note a thing: the more you play in arena and the stronger your opponents will be. Me too if i start to play pvp in a single day, with the set of pve, i can destroy a lot of people, also i can take flags (and i am a 2h sw XD). But if you play for some hours or if your pvp stats (win/lose) increase, then you'll begin to meet the real story in pvp. At least this is what happens in Heredur. There will be the strongest p2w players with a speed movement that you cannot follow either with mount, a defense that make you wonder if maybe you're wearing the wrong cloack or you're using the wrong weapon... Well i'm not saying that you'll not be a valid opponent for them; i just want to say that if you want to be at the highest in pvp thus you should follow another way, in my opinion and according my experience.
  12. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert


    If you're gonna play 1v1 as 2H, I suggest (but you already know it) to pay more attention vs rangers and 1h dk. They are the classes with wich I have more trouble, if they are skilled players.
    Also, being a ranger, I'd like that the explosion of EA happens only if the arrow hit something, 'cause nowdays it is an OP skill (I never use it in PvP... it's more like a coward skill) and in 1v1 it is a decisive skill.

    Imo, charge isn't a good choice in 1v1 vs rangers who can blade dance a lot (like I usually do vs DKs who use dragon hide at the beginning of match).
    That's about my 1v1 experience against Dks, but maybe you win easily with charge as well :D

    Also, I'm happy to not play in your same server :eek:
  13. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I do... That is why I was saying that the toughest 1v1 fights are against skilled RAs.

    My method again those high defense blade dancing rangers is to let them land a couple little hits to build rage, and then, after they do a dive and adrenalin, I Charge them down and get a MWS while they are still stunned. If I could land a normal swing, then that's even better because the bleed means no cool down on the Charge. Also, I don't engage unless my Charge is cooled down, which helps a lot. Meanwhile, I'll run while it is cooling down. That running around and making the RAnger chase me pisses them off and puts them off their game since they aren't used to pursuing DKs. Then, when the time is right, I'm able to flip the tables on them.

    On that topic, running is a very important part of playing a 2H DK that many do wrong. You need to avoid hits, and if all you do is chase, then you are predictable and your enemy controls the fight and can set you up on their terms when they are ready. The key is to occasionally make them chase you do that you can seize the initiative in the same way.
  14. Nostradamus88

    Nostradamus88 Active Author

    Nothing is more delicious for a long range class then a dk who is far away from him :p Dks usually chase the enemy because this is the only way to not let the enemy shoot at him: in fact if the enemy stops and shoot he's dead. The worst thing for a long range class is to meet dks who don't give you a single second to breathe. Dks have a great advantage on other classes in pvp: the eternal possibility to stun, so it would be very wise to use it. Chase and stun!
  15. monder888

    monder888 Someday Author

    Trying a new build for PVE, mostly just for Q3-M1 fatal farming. :D
    The defence ain't that high but the monsters die before i do so it gets the job done :)

    (I got 0 points spent on speed)

  16. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    This. 2H dks need to advance and retreat intelligently, and stun charge is a very useful part of the pvp skill set because it gives you a high damage ranged attack thats very difficult to avoid. Done right, it frequently can land for a 1 hit kill for quite a few quiver rangers or book/2H sw's or 2H sm's, and a MWS or rage attack with bleeding at the end can usually mop the rest.
    MikeyMetro and _Baragain_ like this.
  17. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    After getting the new boots, here is another sneak peak. I still need to farm about 5800 to unlock my last two slots, so there are still some changes being made, but here are the three DPSs of my three main builds, and all of these builds are achieved by switching gloves. The PvP uses the HP gloves, the boss build uses the mechanical gloves, and the farming build uses my speed gloves. My highest gems are in my PvP gloves, but I'm using the other pairs as gem holders for some of my higher tier gems.
    MikeyMetro, bLaind and Troneck86 like this.
  18. krislee

    krislee Forum Apprentice

    you did not disappoint me mondie, luf from salty :*
  19. Red_Jaeger

    Red_Jaeger Junior Expert

    That went well:


    And now that just drives me crazy...

    Vegitt0, tueur.80, EhtovK and 10 others like this.
  20. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    very nice torso, i guess it's close to +950 to basic dmg, ... in my case 18,41% goes for 600 more dmg it would be fine if i get more % armor gems to boost the 911 armor it has