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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    As mentioned before they are going to update the guilds first and then update a guild pvp.

    Wonder if dailies will be faction ed in there. Guild with 30 people logged in yesterday gets this reward...
  2. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Hi, Haruki-Sama, hope you had a very nice holiday, and sorry to bother you so early on, but the hotfix post says this:

    Rest assured that we will offer a special token of Premium appreciation to all Grimmag users as an apology for the inconveniences experienced.

    It's been less than 24 hours since Grimmag is experiencing whatever issue there is and they're getting compensation, props for that, a nice response time for it too, but I have a question..., when Tegan was ravaged by error 23 for months we were promised compensation too, and we have yet to see any, may I ask why is that?, thanks, have a nice day.
    Troneck86, Rhysingstar and _Baragain_ like this.
  3. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Hello there Haruki-chan!
    What about the beautiful bug we got from the previous release?
    Who should be crazy now?
    AmarWilrick likes this.
  4. AmarWilrick

    AmarWilrick Forum Pro

    hello Haruki,
    i join @bLaind in his question!! we can't play since R164 with this screen bug, support always says, it is the first thing Bp are looking for !!. 3 weeks now, we lost already 2 events and so many days of farm, and still no fix for this bug !!! No communication, nothing from BP .
  5. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    They gave everyone in the game 3 days of freemium during our troubles. Nothing special for just us forgotten Tegan players.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Damn... why couldn't I have used this one for the meme contest a couple months ago!?!
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
    VMmage, Rhysingstar, Reinier and 2 others like this.
  7. CM Haruki

    CM Haruki Community Team Team Drakensang Online

    Hey there community of awesomeness,

    Let's jump without further ado into the beats of answering, shall we?

    I did relax and I did come with full energy. However, the "espresso" shots of the coffee machine remains, to date, my faithful companion in the office. Also, is there any possibility that you are taking the Reinier name from Dragon Age? :p

    We actually have normal holiday days for German standards. Not a bad number, I'd admit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Hey there mister,

    thanks for rising up that interesting issue - naturally, if it came to only applying some changes to the Steam Mechanicus this would be made in a way that does not tamper with further balance of other classes as a result or leaves another issue lingering on the air. I think we mentioned it in Twitch but I can repeat it here: the team is aware of the pain-points surrounding the dwarf and the ranger specifically. I cannot tell you "hey yo, we are doing this and that for relXXX" but Game Design is in the loop, specially after Crafting 2.0 has arrived o

    Hey there Fungus, how are you doing,

    ++ Steam Mechanicus suggestion: please refer to my brief comment above.
    ++ Realm Fragments suggestion of lowering down the prices: I can tell you that this is not going to happen. The adjustment of Realm Fragments is happening soon; and when I say this, I really mean it. It's in the pipeline for the next few releases, so it's finally happening (waiting on Baragain's accusative finger...). Plus the big event that is coming later this month, Dragan, does not need Realm Fragments so you guys can take a rest and focus on the Moon ones, if you so wish.
    ++ Materi Fragments: do not think we are planning in adjust those entry prices but I'll double-check.

    As per what can be discussed in this thread or not, I do not mind some ramifications to the main Question and Answers vibe of the thread. It also helps me pinpointing to interesting discussions that are also replicated in other places of these and other national forums. If a conversation goes way too off-topic, we naturally can bring it back. However, this has not been the case that often. ;)

    Pewh, yeah, 7 months is a tad long... I'll ping Mr Greg about it.
    However, understand as well that our CM role on the forums does not limit itself only to answer in this thread - although we created it for a purpose. So agreed, that lovely chap should make a come-back! *looks menacingly to the right table*

    Hey there mister,

    It's not that we do not care. It's only that things need to be prioritized and you gotta choose between options, not always delivering something that caters to everyone, unfortunately. You gotta keep a lot of things on the table: how many people are requesting this or that, how many people are actually playing PvP in comparison with the player base who never touches -or slightly does- PvP, for instance, how much time and resources takes to tackle this, to change that, etc.

    There's definitely something not so good about our current PvP and the team knows this. It's not something completely new to the team and it will get tackled, sooner or later. Thing is, the number of features we have been pushing during the last 3 releases had some quality-of-life features requested by the community since months and months. And there are other ones coming with rel167 - surely you'll appreciate them as well, regardless of your PvE or PvP orientation.

    We wanted to tackled those first because we new it was necessary to deliver after the "void" of the first months of the year. Also, because the Community Survey of March showed us that while there are certainly hardcore PvP users who rated all PvP improvements and additions as heavily important, that number kinda dwindled when compared to a vast majority of other players who considered themselves mainly PvE users and that do not contemplate the competitive side of PvP in such a critic way.

    Again, making a better PvP experience fairer to everyone (I'd believe removing potions was, for once, 100% essential for that), would of course have the impact of attracting more and more players into the arena. That's a fact. But please understand that we may give priority to other things first.

    It does not mean that we have completely disregarded PvP.
    Same goes with the balancing issues that I mentioned before.

    Hey there Rhysingstar,

    thanks for another amazing comment, full of insight. As you mention, the situation is rather "complicated" right now and the current system would not allow the separation of PvE and PvP into different set of skills or drastic values. But I've mentioned, the designers wanna work on it together with the community along with several additions to the endgame content, which stirs up also discussions of its own.

    ... ,,, ... ,,, ...
    Oh, shit, it's really happening again.

    Btw, have you been playing Pokemon recently?

    Hey there,

    the M'Edusa doll appeared in the January run of Defeat the Undefeatables.
    It will appear during this month at Gnob.

    Bearach the Puuh has appeared in the May run of the event.
    So I'd expect to see it... what, around September? Wild guess though.

    Hey there mister,

    actually a migration of the Bashiq accounts or characters is not possible (quite a tragedy, if you ask me). That's not stated super clearly on that Bigpoint post but it was clearly communicated to all of them in Arabic language on their forums, landing page and via a newsletter.

    So what we are proposing to all those players is to join the ranks of the Werian server. If they had some money spent on the Bashiq version, it will be credited to their accounts but they need to start from zero, from scratch, von Anfang. It's up to them to make the decision. Funny thing, they'll leave the game from version 156 to jump right into rel166... So hopefully they like what they see!

    But answering your question, another element in disgrace was the Account Migration feature (waiting for Baragain's accusative finger). Again, this remains in the Backlog; not completely trashed. But it won't happen in the near future either.

    Like with DSO, the ratio of paying users (from different tiers) to non-paying users is pretty even.
    In this case, we just proposed a little help to all those users who have lost all their progress. I guess, a lot of them will not take our hand - but the ones who do, they have a new home in Werian where they can start building anew.

    Stay away from the coffin. The zombie's still moving.

    Hey there,

    I was not involved in the meetings and discussions about this issue so I cannot really tell you the whys and whynots... But my guess is that for the majority of them, Werian is geographically the closest one and where theoretically they wanna get the best gaming experience in terms of connectivity and smoothness.

    I do not know how many of my fellow Spanish countrymen play in Tegan, for instance. I'd not, knowing that the gaming experience is gonna be less gratifying. I'd stick to Heredur or even Grimmag. The same applies to a big number of Bashiq players, I reckon.

    Exactly, why would we! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Armando, sorry man, but I am gonna make a little stop at your post and I will take it from there tomorrow. ;)
    Thanks for your patience and see you!

    Kind regards,
    Armando likes this.
  8. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Has the thought ever occurred to the dev's that so many do not play pvp because 1. it is completely unbalanced, and 2. all the rewards were taken away?

    This is the whole problem in a nutshell.

    DSO finally notices that few players are doing something, so they propose changes, then ultimately goes out of their way to make that improved feature useless again.

    It's a revolving cycle.

    If you take a long at this thread, you'll see some interesting comments.

    The excuse that no one uses one feature justifies the reason not to fix it in a timely manner is so completely wrong.

    If DSO did not purposely mess up that feature, more players would use it.

    It doesn't matter if we discuss pvp, events, gnob, crafting, regular maps, drop rates, etc. Each and every one of these things were purposely designed to fail and then the dev's wonder why.

    Example: How many months have we been discussing realm frag drops?


    Because the dev's went out of their way to cause an issue that wasn't broke

    I could give so many examples of them doing this. It seriously makes me wonder if they are trying to quietly kill the game.

    What other reason could they possibly have to go out of their way to break something that didn't need broke? And this isn't limited to just realm frag drops.

    I spent nearly a decade playing one of the games that DSO poorly copied without half the disappointment that DSO has managed to create in the 2 years and some change I've been playing it.

    The failed promises, the broken promises, the constant ignoring, and the implementation of completely useless features is weighing heavily on so many players, myself included.

    Edit to add some questions:

    I've got a few questions regarding the decision to nerf crafting 2.0

    The argument for the nerf was that the player friendly version would create the opportunity for too many players to advance their characters too quickly.

    What too quickly is, was not explained.

    Now the argument is that if we were to improve at this imaginary fast rate, we would at some point become so strong that playing the game would become boring and thus leading players to quit.

    Now that is a decent argument, but doesn't take into consideration the current player frustrations.

    How many players quit today because improving their characters takes so long?

    How many players quit today because once you reach lvl 50 the only map worth playing is Q3?

    How many players quit today because the drop rate of good items is lacking?

    How many players quit today because the gap between OP players and regular players is so vast?

    How many players quit today because of all the broken and failed promises?

    No one disputes that the player friendly version would improve every single player in the game in a more timely manner.

    One of the biggest complaints about pvp is the unbalanced system.

    If so many more players became strong, would the balance effort not be easier?

    Last question.

    I've really tried to wrap my head around the logic presented, "that it is better to make players frustrated now and potentially quit than it is to eventually make players bored and quit, but the math doesn't add up".

    Would DSO rather players like me to quit today in frustration or maybe a year or so from now because of possible boredom?

    I've never heard anyone complain about being too happy or too strong.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I am resigned to the fact that "eventually" means longer than we hope, but still within a normal human's lifespan.
    Same as above, and in all honesty, I'd be satisfied right now to just have Tegan/Agathon merged into Tegathon or Aegan. :p
    VMmage, ekant1992 and Troneck86 like this.
  10. Hello

    I ask there cause nothing's done on French Forum ( For my part, players know much more this game than @Evilmoose )

    When will you fix this FACKING BUG !


    We are waiting for a patch since 26 days !

    I potentially farm 1-1.5M GoP per days, can you calculate how much I loosed since thais sh*t appear ? Seriously, will be it fixed one day ? We already can't done 3 events, and we can't do the "event-drop" today, and we probably can't do Dragan if you continue in that way !
  11. CM Haruki

    CM Haruki Community Team Team Drakensang Online

    Hey there people,

    so here we go again. Couple of things before I jump into concrete answers:
    • Brown/Pink issues - team is still investigating, with a number of hypothesis already on the table as to what is causing this. It remains top priority and will be addressed. Please hold there a little bit more.
    • Compensation for the mistranslation in the ES and PT messaging of crafting - our data mining team will give us the list of users later today so expect some resolution to your losses on Monday-Tuesday. Spread the word, you homies!
    • The Community Roadmap thread has been updated: Dragan comes with rel167 as well as some lower prices, improvements and bug fixes. Current ETA for the rlease is not the next week but the one after.

    Hey there Armando,

    yeah, we already forwarded that one to the team - it's pretty awesome the level of dedication that you guys put in your discussions. Again, some of the painpoints covered there remain in our agenda at all times and remain a constant until the moment comes to finally tackle them and put them into development tickets and sprints.

    Interview with Verena is happening. We wanted to give her a little bit of a time to settle down (she's arrived in very interesting times) but she's already done this kind of videos in the past so I'm confident we can get her on Twitch or a Q&A video (or both).

    Hey there mister,

    how is that amazing crafted axe going? Again, I'd personally rather refrain from using words such as "universally", "failing", "meet everyone's expectations"... The sense of doom they convey when they go all together is quite luring, no doubt, and attracts the eye, but it lacks more sustainable data behind.

    Back in the days it seemed we could deliver crafting in that time frame given. That's why we mentioned it in Twitch.
    It turned not to be the case.
    We are sorry for that - I think you can tell from all my posts that it's not necessarily something me, or the team, takes pride in.

    Now that crafting 2.0 is here let's all enjoy it - and if there are still issues to tackle, we will tackle those.
    As we will keep on with our release cycle, catching up with each release and bringing new features and improvements to DSO.

    Hey there,

    + Transmogrification: it fell in the backlog. The community survey showed us that the vast majority of the people asked (more than 12k) do not consider it as important as other features. We have already a design for it but we wanna tackle other points first.
    + Wolf mounts: against my better judgement I am gonna say this: #soon
    + Dark set: it came by the beginning of May so I'd expect to see it in the upcoming months again... But we have not planned any dates yet, sorry!

    Hey there,

    if you are referring to the Brown/Pink stuff - the team is investigating and they have already some guesses about what this could possible be. But it's not that easy. They have placed some tracking mechanisms in the system and I hope we can conclude this episode next week, honestly.


    And that'd be all for today. I'll see you all on Monday.
    I wish you all good days ahead!

  12. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    It would be nice if more of the "agenda" would be discussed with the players, especially the "why".
  13. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I'll cut it out for now... after getting an item that good, it seems petty for me to keep complaining, but the truth is it was all luck which means I want to get one last word in before I sit in the corner silently mad about the nerf.

    I was on the fringes of luck. I got something amazing on the first try against 1:10-1:50 odds (depending on how you viewed desirability of the stats on the items that I put in). This is a statistical anomaly and as I said somewhere else (jokingly), "I'm just doing my part to keep the 'bell curve' bell shaped." If I hadn't gotten so amazingly lucky on my first try, I'd have lost two items with awesome stats that each represented weeks (possibly months) of farming. Despite getting lucky myself, I am still an advocate for the players first and foremost. The system does not have everyone's best interests in mind and one demonstration of incredible luck does not invalidate all of my statistical analysis that says that this new system is still much more in favor of BigPoint's wallet than it is in favor of character improvement.

    *Goes and sits in the corner glaring at Crafting 2.0*
  14. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Haruki, I hope that you will forward the above sentence straight to the dev's.

    If they are confused by it, forward the math to them.
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Can you ask her if she received postcard from Fiji?
  16. Gummiball

    Gummiball Forum Ambassador

    Hey Haruki,
    can you please bring the following costumes back for the UEFA EURO 2016? :)
    I really missed them in 2014... :(

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
    Mesala and Opalsion like this.
  17. nikolabozic

    nikolabozic Forum Apprentice

  18. LudiGrozd

    LudiGrozd Advanced


    When is the new class gonna come? Game don't have a melee attack class right now, since everyone it telling DK's to tank monsters and boss, they will not let any DK play any differently (yeah, that sucks). I'am really hoping it come soon and I'am very much bored at this point among others also.
  19. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    This is just partially true..., when I pair with my couple's DK, we both go 2H even if farming fatal, because it's plain more efficient to do so, we tried the tanking build for the DK when we started going fatal out of insecurity, then found out it was stalling, time consuming..., inefficient overall, but, when killing a PW boss in fatal mode, we again tried with both set-ups for the DK, and we found the tanking mode the more efficient way to deal with them. On all of these scenarios my SW was in a DPS mode.

    The point being, it depends on the situation, every particular scenario gently (sometimes not so gently), leads you to the most efficient build to run as a DK, I'm just working on mine thanks to Baragain's posts and I'm having a blast, and I switch builds back to back depending on the situation, and despite my DK's gear being mediocre it does pretty well everywhere it can enter so far.

    If you're demanded by your group to switch to a certain build, you're the one who knows your DK better inside the scenario you're presented with, and thus, the optimal build you need for what you're running, if they try to force you to do the opposite, then I'd suggest you find a better group that understands this and can adapt to it.
  20. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    In my experience it seems to split the difference with LudiGrozd and EhtovK. There are quite a few players who only want a DK to spam the aggro button while others get all the fun in killing, however, there are some players who understand that you don't need a 1H tank to hold aggro.

    For all the players who complain about DK's always going solo, maybe they should consider that not all of us want to be a simple punching bag. It is fun for us to kill also.
    ekant1992, EhtovK and babu_o_babu like this.
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