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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Chaos rules. Let me divide the issues into 3 piles, and discuss each area of change.

    1. Lor'tac continent expansion: New areas, new monsters, new quests, new gear, expanded story line - all the stuff most of us came here for as level 1's.
    Opinions differ on details, but no one is saying it shouldn't happen. Thank you, DSO.

    2. Old, reoccurring problems: lag, faulty programming, missing data, system failures, neglected details, years of screw-ups compounding themselves, glitches left to fester. . . take your pick.
    Some of these problems have been reduced or repaired. DSO has given various forms of compensation for some things, like ander, free premium, and various goodies. DSO is also in the process of fixing other things, like the Teleportarium Normal option, PvP balancing, broken quest lines, and such. It's ongoing, never ending, and over-due, but there is some progress.

    Unfortunately, the amount of manure still to climb is massive. Some of it just requires hands-on staff time. Trouble-shooting and fixing program errors is intensive stuff; the possibility of regret is high, and players have had enough of things getting worse instead of better.

    Eventually DSO will have to better address the big money issues of server location and infrastructure efficiency. The USA internet network already lags Europe in speed and productivity. Lag and disconnects can cripple the game right out of existence here, unless DSO deals with it. Central and South America already deal with service levels unacceptable to the US.

    3. Game design changes: new experience, wisdom, and fame trees; skill and talent changes, PvE changes, PvP changes, changes in the keyboard, features for equipment and guilds, Guild Wars promised. . . DSO is sticking all their fingers into every player's pie. Tension is high.
    How this washes out on August 26th would be great entertainment for someone keeping a safe distance. Unfortunately, many people take their gaming very seriously. Considering the reaction of many experienced players on the forum, I wonder if there will be anyone left of the forums to answer questions for the moderators and managers? I'm glad to be in a strong guild.

    "What cannot be changed, must be endured." -Willie Nelson
  2. hedwig70

    hedwig70 Someday Author

    1 question . Does the Knowledge and Fame tree will be base on Experience Tree to get 1 point , yes or no ? if no Then Change it back , i liked it that way all base on exp level
  3. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador
  4. Shiladitya

    Shiladitya Padavan

    1> Nice that you are in the loop and it will still take a month or more to fix as release 156-157 i don't see releasing anytime soon as devs will be too busy with hotfixes after 155. Just to let you know, the "random" bug problem is spreading and more players are getting affected in Tegan. You can ask the support team for confirmation. I don't know if its spread to other servers yet.

    2> Yeah I see your twitch sessions many times :) and I can confirm that the particular sentence "Nothing would be taken away" was in reference to all the skills, talents , knowledge trees but anyways as you have officially declared that the player's money that we invested till now(not only in gems but many gear/support items as well) might go to waste anytime simply because DSO can "officially balance" our characters any time, I cant argue anymore can I? :) . I will look forward to the state of the game in 3 months or so. Eagerly await the changes :p I hope we still get to be happy while playing the game or even that people will still play the game. :)
  5. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    "Nothing would be taken away" is conditional, implying another statement, here unspoken. We can fill it in as "until the developers make it so. (And yes, you are had, unless we can't get away with it.)

    Other translations are available.

    In the flurry of slogans I can't tell who is slinging it the hardest. "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength" comes to mind.
    Bearer-of-Death and bendover like this.
  6. crazyelli

    crazyelli Junior Expert

    well i am a premium player and if my toon is unable to withstand lortac after the release. you will loss my money in your coffers but i think your balancing will make the sw op and the rest of us weaker ,, i will wait and see if i have wasted over 1 year on the game and if it is worth investing my time and money on. so sad as i have not missed a day playing in over 380 days..
  7. bendover

    bendover Junior Expert

    George Orwell would have rolled in his grave XD
    Plus: "nothing will be taken away" is kind of a doublespeak if you think about it
  8. Armando

    Armando Forum Connoisseur

    Dear CMs, would you be able to give us any information on what is planned for our stable chars on the test server?
    Will they be deleted again immediately after R155 went live, will they be kept until R156 or are they likely to survive for another few months?
    I would like to know whether there is any point in e.g. doing the daily quests with them.
    Maulwuerfchen likes this.
  9. Arechia

    Arechia Someday Author

    It was said on twitch that items obtained before r155 won't change with the new release, but they did change on test server... I don't know if the new description of bonuses gives me something less or something more (I have no screens from before), I don't know if those are % or not, but I do hope the same thing won't happen on stable server. I've screencapped items and character stats so I'll know if something got changed or not.
  10. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    that is why i made this post
    so "Nothing will be taken away" We can only Gain from this ^.
    as it is now we can only reach lvl 40 on fame,but lvl cap is 45,this makes no sense in developing. where did lvl 45 fame go?
    does this mean fame will cap at lvl 45 now for a lvl 50 toon?

    Question cm's, (more for the devs)o_O

    when you upgrade your cell phones do you look for less features than your old one has?
    this is our dilemma.;)
  11. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    This is why people get enraged at times; they do not completely understand what is said. They did not say pre R155 items would not change. They said ENCHANTMENTS on pre R155 stats would not change. There is a big difference.
    thebearreturns likes this.
  12. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    so no matter of what % crit hit you have now(say 44%,will still be reduced to say 22%)?
    being ur stats wont change in ur gear only on the new chart system,right?
    being said if u have 1500+ch u will get 16% or so,not the 44%.
    its not going to stay the same as it is now right?
    but ur gear will stay the same,,,,how cleaver:mad:
  13. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    From what I understand, the base of items will change. Lower armor base, higher dmg base etc. On new items they have also changed what enchantments can go where. So no more crit on a shield and no more armor on a quiver etc. and all items can have dmg stats. What you said is also my interpretation of how it will be applied.

    When you log in tomorrow your dmg will be higher, your crit and hp will be lower, and depending on gem set your armor should be higher. Then you can fiddle with your points to find whatever balance point you want, and proceed to conquer the new maps.

    I wouldn't start melting old items until you figure out if the stat lines that are not available on new items are useful. For example that high armor belt/ring or shield with crit you have in the bank may become an oddity that, down the road, people will complain about not being able to get anymore like upgraded low level leg's with max stats. Time will tell if my expectations hold true and to what extent.
  14. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    So what about us old players who have been playing so long that we got that gem back when you were not able to remove gems from items? I personally had installed it into a LVL 10 blue item (or something like that) which was useful for about another 5-8 levels, and then I needed to replace it to stay competitive. I mean, that was back when gem crafting was 4 gems on the work bench and didn't cost a thing... Now I'm not complaining about the normal gems I lost because of the change in gameplay; I have since earned them back, but no amount of farming can get me my XP gem back.

    Maybe the designers can go look back in their release notes, find the release where gems were made removable, and then gift one to every player registered before that date but does not have one in their inventory or in one of their items (i.e. they held onto it until after gems could be removed.) Of course, by the time this is considered, decided on (favorably), and eventually implemented, I'd likely be waiting for LVL 55 to come out before I'd be able to use it.
    VMmage and BigPapa like this.
  15. kama5utra

    kama5utra Someday Author

    what did CM Haruki told us about not needing new server capabilities^^
    bendover and xEthnic like this.
  16. -.SeReNiTy.-

    -.SeReNiTy.- Someday Author

    Hello everyone,

    First of all, I can understand the hard work needed to run a big Release like that without any bug. So I know that can be normal in the first times some bugs or errors.

    Over all Twitches when you answered the question about upgrade itens with Glyphs you told to all that prices to upgrade itens with glyphs will be reduced because it had (and has) no sense over 10 millions glyphs to upgrade itens without any stat better for us. So, you told by an official announcement that the prices will be fixed. You also told that it is a bug! So all players that need glyphs to play, what do/did they do? They farm so much as possible over 2 months, since you have confirmed that and also Moderators!

    In my Community, Moderator told that all itens prices will be reduced, specailly with % ones. But you said ALL and that he received a confirmation about that from you.

    So let's clear the situation.
    During over 2 weeks (time that R155 was added to the Test Server) that glyphs prices were placed according to ITEM LEVEL.
    Above you have some prints that I made because i was really happy that you have planned to fix this huge (huge!) problem.

    So, during over 2 weeks the itens opened BEFORE R155 cost to make it up to lvl 46 nearly 159 000 glyphs! Except the 2 handed itens, which I understand 100% and agree with.

    To confirm that this upgrade would be for all players, I login to my Stable Account in lvl 35. So here are the prints of some itens.

    Another proof as you can see. So, the itens would be upgraded (the ammount of glyphs) according to ITEM LEVEL.

    So, believing in your OA (via Twitch and Moderator), what did I make?
    1. Collect as a crazy man over 2 months.
    2. I shopped in 50% sales for glyphs.

    In 2 months I got nearly 6 millions glyphs (exactly 5 607 858 glyphs).

    Today, after the Release 155, here's my costs to make my itens better

    The unique item that the price goes down (nearly 4 millions) was my shield! The others stay like before, so you did not do what you promised and what you tested. So, you have been joking with players that live for glyphs in game.

    Sadly, I have no option because I will not stay in a game that make all for PvE players (new maps, events, ALL) and for those ones who wants glyphs you do nothing to them and the proof is overthere.

    Do you know how many glyphs I need to put my itens, all of them, in lvl 50? Over 350 000 000. Have you any recipe for this? I don't and I also will not spend my time and my money on that. If you will fix this, as you promised and placed on server test, awesome! If not, I must leave the game. Over 3 years of players saying "Upgrade itens are hard. 10 millions to make better one item and only give me one dammage more". You said "Our developers are checking it". You promised that in the twitches and when it is "the hour of truth" you did nothing cleverly. So, please, more respect for ALL players. Not only for those ones that are 45 lv but for the others too.

    Best regards,


    VMmage and Darwarren like this.
  17. Excalibur1974

    Excalibur1974 Junior Expert

  18. zainal200

    zainal200 Forum Greenhorn

    CM how to go yeltepetl...i dont know how to doing new map
  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't have time to explain in what way it looked realistic ... however these new creatures sucks.
    A dragon with wings crawling on the floor? And not just that it looks really awful. I don't think someone will enjoy fighting that "dragon".

    So the devs are relying on a few rants ... that is feedback? No they changed the contents before the people gave any feedback.
    Dino they say .... what is dinosaur? The word Dinosaur has been invented in 1842 by Richard Owen ... does that mean that the dinosaurs were not present before that time? No. That means that there are many of names that people from different parts of the world were using. Words like Wyvern, Dragon, Lindworm, Azhdaha, Zmaj ... etc. That means the dinosaurs are all dragons. and since we already have big dragons ... small one wouldn't have been any problem at all.
    There is a no environment that raptors are not fitting in.

    I can notice that ... your nickname Haruki is telling me that :D (and i am not saying this in offensive way)

    Since when the word noob is offensive word? The devs are noobs ... I am noob ... we are all noobs ...

    I can also spot that they are getting inspired by the other games ... but if we liked those games we would have played them instead of DSO. So please don't take inspiration for this game from other games.

    BP will never be Piranha Bytes. Piranha Bytes are the best!!!

  20. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    But traki you should get in mind some times people works UNDER bosses directions, i've seen many times people doing things in his boss way (even they are or NOT agree...) so i think should exist probability that programmers are working in their bosses way EVEN knowing this way is wrong... but you cannot replicate to your boss, so there "CAN" be good programmers who are not noobs, cause they know the right way.. but are not free to go thay way... but this is just my point and i respect all other points :)
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